
时间:2021-01-26 08:27:44

标签: bash case



Hello, this is a Titled woRd aND ThIs one is UPPERCASED.


Hello, this is a Titled word and This one is Uppercased.

每个字母都会小写,除了每个单词的第一个字母会保持大小写。我熟悉更改大小写的常见形式,但不熟悉这种特定的内容。不要与 Title case 混淆,因为这不是我在这里要问的。非常感谢任何帮助。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

不确定您是否需要一个纯粹的 implementation("androidx.sqlite:sqlite:2.1.0") 解决方案,但使用一些常用的实用程序会让生活更轻松。

使用 bash


它只是遍历所有字段(以空格分隔),并为每个字段 ($ echo 'Hello, this is a Titled woRd aND ThIs one is UPPERCASED.' | \ awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){$i=substr($i,1,1)tolower(substr($i,2))}}1' Hello, this is a Titled word and This one is Uppercased. ) 分配该字段的第一个字母,然后是该字段其余部分的小写副本。

使用 GNU $i(便携性较差,但可能更具可读性):


这匹配一个单词边界 ($ echo 'Hello, this is a Titled woRd aND ThIs one is UPPERCASED.' | \ sed -r 's/\b(\w)(\w*)/\1\L\2/g' Hello, this is a Titled word and This one is Uppercased. ) 后跟一个字母(单词字符,\b),然后是零个或多个字母(\w)。它用第一个字母 (\w*) 替换它,然后是其余字母 (\1) 的小写版本 (\L)。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

使用 GNU awk:

awk '{ for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) { printf "%s",substr($i,1,1);for(j=2;j<=length($i);j++) { printf "%s",tolower(substr($i,j,1))} printf "%s"," " } }' <<< "Hello, this is a Titled woRd aND ThIs one is UPPERCASED."


awk '{ 
       for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {                           # Loop on each word
          printf "%s",substr($i,1,1);                  # Print the first letter in the word
          for(j=2;j<=length($i);j++) {  
            printf "%s",tolower(substr($i,j,1))        # Loop on the rest of the letters in the word and print in lower case
       printf "%s"," "                                 # Print a space
     }' <<< "Hello, this is a Titled woRd aND ThIs one is UPPERCASED."

使用 bash:

for var in $(echo "Hello, this is a Titled woRd aND ThIs one is UPPERCASED.");
   printf "%s" ${var:0:1};             # Print the first letter of the word
   var1=${var:1};                      # Read the rest of the word into var1
   printf "%s " "${var1,,[$var1]}";    # Convert vars into lowercase and print