Python 中的井字游戏

时间:2021-01-26 05:43:33

标签: python tic-tac-toe

我是 Python 新手。请帮助我知道我的代码有什么问题。我用过:

  • display_board() - [显示板]
  • play_game() - [包括所有其他功能]
  • handle_turns() - [用于处理迭代]
  • winning_condition() - [包括 row_condition()column_condition(), diagonal_condition()]
  • game_draw() - [检查是否平局]
  • choose_player() - [选择“X”或“O”]


似乎我在 play_game() 或 game_draw() 函数中遗漏了一些东西。


#our board is a list
list = ['_', '_', '_',
        '_', '_', '_',
        '_', '_', '_']

def display_board():
    print('|' + list[0] + '|' + list[1] + '|' + list[2] + '|')
    print('|' + list[3] + '|' + list[4] + '|' + list[5] + '|')
    print('|' + list[6] + '|' + list[7] + '|' + list[8] + '|')

winner = None
game_on = True
current_player = "X"

#Play game
def play_game():
    while game_on:
    #when the game over, tell us who won the game or its a draw
    if winner == 'X'or winner == 'O':
        print(f'{winner} won')
    elif winner == None:

#Function for winning game
def handle_turns(player):
    turns = 0
    #First player is "X, second player is "Y
    #Display which player's turn it is
    print(f"{player}'s turn")
    i = int(input("Enter your choice: "))
    turns = False
    while not turns:
    # turns must be between 1-9, if choosen above 9, then ask player to choose between 1-9
        while i not in range(9):
            i = input("choose between 1 to 9: ")
        i = int(i) - 1
        #if list index value is '_', then we are good to play
        if list[i] == '_':
            turns = True
            #if list index value is filled with "X" or "O", then we should choose another index
            print("Invalid move, play again")
    #Assign player to our list
    list[i] = player

#This function includes row_condition, column_condition and diagonal_condition
def winning_condition():
    global winner
    row_win = row_condition()
    column_win = column_condition()
    diagonal_win = diagonal_condition()
    if row_win:
        winner = row_condition()
    elif column_win:
        winner = column_condition()
    elif diagonal_win:
        winner = diagonal_condition()
        winner = None

def row_condition():
    global game_on
    if (list[0] == list[1] == list[2] or list[3] == list[4] == list[5] or list[6] == list[7] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = False
     #First row
    elif (list[0] == list[1] == list[2]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[0]
    #Second row
    elif (list[3] == list[4] == list[5]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[3]
    #Third row
    elif (list[6] == list[7] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[6]
        return None

def column_condition():
    global game_on
    if (list[0] == list[3] == list[6] or list[1] == list[4] == list[7] or list[2] == list[5] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = False
    #First Column
    elif (list[0] == list[3] == list[6]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[0]
    #Second Column
    elif (list[1] == list[4] == list[7]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[1]
    #Third column
    elif (list[2] == list[5] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[2]
        return None

def diagonal_condition():
    global game_on
    if (list[0] == list[4] == list[8] or list[2] == list[4] == list[6]) != '_':
        game_on = False
    elif (list[0] == list[4] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[0]
    elif (list[2] == list[4] == list[6]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[2]
        return None

#When game is draw
def game_draw():
    global game_on
    if '_' not in list:
        game_on = False
        return True
        return False

#Choose between X or O
def choose_player():
    global current_player
    # choosing between "X"s or "O"s turns
    if current_player == "X":
        current_player = "O"
    elif current_player == "O":
        current_player = "X"


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

问题出在括号中,例如让我们在游戏开始时评估 (list[0] == list[1] == list[2]) != '_' 中的条件 row_condition()

(list[0] == list[1] == list[2]) != '_'
('_' == '_' == '_') != '_'
('_' == '_' and '_' == '_') != '_'
(True and True) != '_'
(True) != '_'
True != '_'


list[0] == list[1] == list[2] != '_'
'_' == '_' == '_' != '_'
'_' == '_' and '_' == '_' and '_' != '_'
True and True and False

答案 1 :(得分:0)

def row_condition():
    global game_on
    # need to change here!
    if (list[0] == list[1] == list[2] or list[3] == list[4] == list[5] or list[6] == list[7] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = False
     #First row
    elif (list[0] == list[1] == list[2]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[0]
    #Second row
    elif (list[3] == list[4] == list[5]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[3]
    #Third row
    elif (list[6] == list[7] == list[8]) != '_':
        game_on = True
        return list[6]
        return None


> (list[0] == list[1] == list[2] or list[3] == list[4] == list[5] or list[6] == list[7] == list[8])
True or False

> True != "_"
> False != "_"