为什么我的 Kivy BoxLayout 在我的代码顶部不起作用,但在底部起作用?

时间:2021-01-24 22:50:51

标签: python user-interface kivy

我正在将所有初始化 python 代码移动到我拥有的 main.py 文件中,在此过程中,我的登录页面从 this 变成了 {{3} }.顶部栏是一个无法正常工作的框布局。我想检查是.kv文件还是我写的python,所以我改变了BoxLayout的位置,把它放在底部,它起作用了。见this。我想知道代码出了什么问题以及如何修复它,因为我以前从未发生过这种情况。


from kivy.app import App
from kivy.core.window import Window
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen, ScreenManager
from LogInWindow import LogInWindow  # importing the class from Login.py

class WindowManager(ScreenManager):

sm = WindowManager()

screens = [LogInWindow(name="Login_window")]
for screen in screens:

sm.current = "Login_window"

class FitnessApp(App):
    def build(self):
        App.title = "Fitness App"
        Window.size = (1080, 720)
        return sm

if __name__ == '__main__':  # The value of __name__ attribute is set to “__main__” when module is run as main program
    FitnessApp = FitnessApp()

这里是 kivy 文件(顶部的框布局不起作用)

    id: Login_window  ## setting the id to Login_window
    orientation: "vertical"  ## setting orientation to vertical
    space_x: self.size[0]/4.5  ## setting space to a 1/4.5 of the screen either side

    BoxLayout:  ## setting up a box layout for the top bar
        size_hint_y: None  ## setting size hint to none so it can be set to anything
        height: 100  ## setting height to 100
                rgba: (0, 0, 0, 1)  ## changing the colour of the top bar
                size: self.size  ## setting position of rect to the position of the box
                pos: self.pos  ## setting size of rect to the size of the box
        Label:  ## creating the "title"
            text: "Login"  ## setting the text
            font_size: 48  ## changing the font size
            bold: True  ## changing it to bold
            size_hint_x: .9  ## setting hint to 90%

    BoxLayout:  ## setting up a box layout for the rest of the page
        orientation: 'vertical'  ## setting orientation to vertical
        padding: Login_window.space_x, 10  ## setting the padding between box and children
        spacing: 20  ## adding a spacing between the child widgets
                rgba: (212/255,212/255,212/255, 1)  ## setting colour to light grey
                size: self.size  ## setting size to the size of the box layout
                pos: self.pos  ## setting position to the position of the box layout
            orientation: "vertical"  ## setting orientation to vertical
            spacing: 30  ## adding a spacing between the child widgets
            size_hint_y: None  ## setting size hint to none so it can be set to anything
            height: 170  ## setting height to 170
                    rgba: (212/255,212/255,212/255, 1)  ## setting colour to light grey
                    size: self.size  ## setting size to the size of the box layout
                    pos: self.pos  ## setting position to the position of the box layout
                id: info  ## setting id to info
                text: ''  ## setting the text to empty
                markup: True  ## allows styling of text
                size_hint_y: None  ## setting size hint to none so it can be set to anything
                height: 20 ## setting height to 20
            TextInput:  ## creating a text input for username
                id: username_field  ## setting the id to username_field
                size_hint_x: 1  ## setting the size hint to 1 so it spans the whole box
                hint_text: "Username"  ## setting the translucent text to username
                font_size: 24  ## setting font size to 24
                multiline: False  ## not allowing multiline inputs
                write_tab: False  ## making tab go to the password field, not create 4 spaces
                focus: True  ## lets the tab key work
                on_text_validate: password_field.focus = True  ## will check if password is filled if enter key pressed
            TextInput:  ## creating a text input for password
                id: password_field  ## setting the id to password_field
                hint_text: "Password"  ## setting the translucent text to Password
                font_size: 24  ## setting font size to 24
                multiline: False  ## not allowing multiline inputs
                write_tab: False  ## does not allow the tab to create 4 spaces
                password: True  ## sets characters to *
                on_text_validate: root.validate_user()  ## runs the function to validate
        Label:  ## creating a label for spacing
            id: spacing  ## set the id to spacing
            size_hint_y: None  ## setting size hint to none so it can be set to anything
            height: 40  ## setting height to 40
            text: "Don't have an account? Sign Up Here!"  ## setting the text to the sign up
            font_size:20  ## changing font size
            size_hint_y: None  ## setting size hint to none so it can be set to anything
            height: 60  ## setting height to 60
            background_color: (0, 0, 0, 1)  ## setting background colour
            background_normal: ''  ## changing the background_normal to nothing
            on_release: root.validate_user()  ##will change to put it to sign up screen
            text: "Sign In" ## setting the text to the sign in
            bold: True  ## changing it to bold
            font_size:48  ## changing font size
            size_hint_y: None  ## setting size hint to none so it can be set to anything
            height: 100  ## setting height to 100
            background_color: (0, 0, 0, 1)  ## setting background color to white
            background_normal: ''  ## background normal to nothing
            on_release: root.validate_user()  ## setting the button to validate the user
        Label:  ## creating a label for spacing
            id: spacing2   ## setting id to spacing2

仅供参考,这里是 main.py 启动时打开的类的前几行。

class LogInWindow(Screen, BoxLayout):  # creating LogInWindow class
    kv = Builder.load_file("LogInWindow.kv")  # loading the kivy file which has all the


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您的 LoginWindow 使用了 ScreenBoxLayout 的多重继承。 Screen 类扩展了 RelativeLayout,因此有一个 do_layout() 方法,该方法遵循自己的规则来布置其子项。 BoxLayout 还有一个 do_layout(),它遵循 BoxLayout 规则来布置其子项。那么,您的 LoginWindow 的孩子是如何安排的?

Python 有一个方法解析顺序,用于确定在这种情况下调用哪个 do_layout() 方法。在您的情况下,将调用 do_layout() 类的 Screen。因此,结果是 LoginWindow 的子级不是使用 BoxLayout 规则布置的,而是使用 RelativeLayout 规则布置的。这意味着最后一个孩子可能会被吸引到之前的孩子身上(如您所见)。

每当您使用多重继承时,您都必须仔细考虑这一点以避免这个常见问题。我建议将 LoginWindow 更改为仅从 Screen 继承,并且只在其 BoxLayout 规则中使用顶级 kv
