
时间:2021-01-20 18:52:02

标签: python

我是 Python 的初学者(有点)。在我的 Tic Tac Toe 游戏中,我被困在获胜者(棋盘)功能上,因为每当我运行程序并在任何地方放置一个 X 时,它会立即说“Y O U W O N !”当我删除 make_computer_move(board) 下的代码以尝试调试我的获胜者(董事会)函数时,从右上角到左下角的对角线不起作用,但从左上角到右下角的获胜者确定代码有效。这是我的代码如下:

    Author: Victor Xu
    Date: Jan 12, 2021

    Description: An implementation of the game Tic-Tac-Toe in Python,
    using a nested list, and everything else we've learned this quadmester!

import random

def winner(board):
    """This function accepts the Tic-Tac-Toe board as a parameter.
    If there is no winner, the function will return the empty string "".
    If the user has won, it will return 'X', and if the computer has
    won it will return 'O'."""

    # Check rows for winner
    for row in range(3):
        if (board[row][0] == board[row][1] == board[row][2]) and \
                (board[row][0] != " "):
            return board[row][0]

    for col in range(3):
        if (board[0][col] == board[1][col] == board[2][col]) and \
                (board[0][col] != " "):
            return board[0][col]

    # Check diagonal (top-left to bottom-right) for winner
    if (board[0][0] == board[1][1] == board[2][2]) and \
            (board[0][0] != " "):
        return board[0][0]

    # Check diagonal (bottom-left to top-right) for winner
    if (board[0][2] == board[1][1] == board[2][0]) and \
            (board[0][0] != " "):
        return board[0][0]

    # No winner: return the empty string
    return ""

def display_board(board):
    """This function accepts the Tic-Tac-Toe board as a parameter.
    It will print the Tic-Tac-Toe board grid (using ASCII characters)
    and show the positions of any X's and O's.  It also displays
    the column and row numbers on top and beside the board to help
    the user figure out the coordinates of their next move.
    This function does not return anything."""

    print("   0   1   2")
    print("0: " + board[0][0] + " | " + board[0][1] + " | " + board[0][2])
    print("  ---+---+---")
    print("1: " + board[1][0] + " | " + board[1][1] + " | " + board[1][2])
    print("  ---+---+---")
    print("2: " + board[2][0] + " | " + board[2][1] + " | " + board[2][2])

def make_user_move(board):
    """This function accepts the Tic-Tac-Toe board as a parameter.
    It will ask the user for a row and column.  If the row and
    column are each within the range of 0 and 2, and that square
    is not already occupied, then it will place an 'X' in that square."""

    valid_move = False
    while not valid_move:
        row = int(input("What row would you like to move to (0-2):"))
        col = int(input("What col would you like to move to (0-2):"))
        if (0 <= row <= 2) and (0 <= col <= 2) and (board[row][col] == " "):
            board[row][col] = 'X'
            valid_move = True
            print("Sorry, invalid square. Please try again!\n")

def make_computer_move(board):
    """This function accepts the Tic-Tac-Toe board as a parameter.
    It will randomly pick row and column values between 0 and 2.
    If that square is not already occupied it will place an 'O'
    in that square.  Otherwise, another random row and column
    will be generated."""

    computer_valid_move = False
    while not computer_valid_move:
        row = random.randint(0, 2)
        col = random.randing(0, 2)
        if (0 <= row <= 2) and (0 <= col <= 2) and (board[row][col] == " "):
            board[row][col] = 'O'
            computer_valid_move = True

def main():
    """Our Main Game Loop:"""

    free_cells = 9
    users_turn = True
    ttt_board = [[" ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " "], [" ", " ", " "]]

    while not winner(ttt_board) and (free_cells > 0):
        if users_turn:
            users_turn = not users_turn
            users_turn = not users_turn
        free_cells -= 1

    if (winner(ttt_board) == 'X'):
        print("Y O U   W O N !")
    elif (winner(ttt_board) == 'O'):
        print("I   W O N !")
        print("S T A L E M A T E !")
    print("\n*** GAME OVER ***\n")

# Start the game!


请查看右上角到左下角对角线获胜确定代码以及每当我放下 X 并显示“你赢了!”的问题

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


    # Check diagonal (bottom-left to top-right) for winner
    if (board[0][2] == board[1][1] == board[2][0]) and \
            (board[0][2] != " "):
        return board[0][2]

答案 1 :(得分:1)

首先:我看到你有一个错字(“randing”,我猜它和上一行一样又是 randint? 第二:代码在这里运行良好,直到我放置第一个 X 时一切都崩溃了(AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'randing' 由于 randing 错误) 第三:给你改错字后,我完成了游戏并战胜了机器(幸运的是,直到你/某人(嘿嘿,我可能曾经)在游戏中实现了AI)。

祝您使用 Python 好运,它是一种非常有趣的语言,但在出现问题时很难。
