用于C ++的Anagram生成器(不使用STL)

时间:2011-07-04 04:21:14

标签: c++ string fstream anagram



  1. 获取字典中的所有单词;将它们存放在容器中
  2. 从用户那里得到一句话;如果合适,退出
  3. 获取用户输入的字词的所有排列
  4. 从排列中删除用户输入的字词
  5. 删除排列集合中不在第1部分中收集的字典中的所有单词
  6. 现在为了最后一步,我必须确保我不显示重复的字谜(即包含相同字母的字谜,例如“loop”)。我似乎无法使这个检查工作,这在下面的TODO注释块中有说明。


    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <string>
    // Change size below to accomodate more anagrams and dictionary words
    #define MAX_ANGM_SIZE  4096
    #define MAX_WORD_SIZE  1048576
    using namespace std;
    // Determines whether anagram is valid or not; will not display word
    // which user entered or words not contained in dictionary
    bool isValidAnagram(string word, string userWord,
                    string dictionary[], unsigned int listIdx)
        for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < listIdx; ++idx)
            if(word == userWord)
                return false;
            else if (word == dictionary[idx])
                return true;
        return false;
    // Determines whether user's word is contained in the dictionary
    // or not
    bool isValidWord(string word, string dictionary[], 
                 unsigned int listIdx)
        for(unsigned int idx = 0; idx < listIdx; ++idx)
            if(word == dictionary[idx])
                return true;
        return false;
    // TODO:This function should test for duplicate anagrams and return
    // true if duplicates are found.
    bool isRepeated(string anagrams[], unsigned int anaIdx)
        for(unsigned int idx = anaIdx; idx != 0; --idx)
            if(anagrams[idx] == anagrams[anaIdx])
                return true;
                return false;
        return false;
    // Only display elements in array which aren't blank and don't 
    // display duplicate anagrams; notify user if no anagrams
    // were found.
    void displayAnagrams(string anagrams[], unsigned int next)
        int flag = 0;
        for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < next; ++idx)
            if((anagrams[idx] != "") || (!(isRepeated(anagrams, idx))))
                if(idx == 1)
                    cout << "  Anagrams: ";
                if(idx > 0)
                    flag = 1;
                cout << anagrams[idx] << " ";
        if(flag == 0)
            cout << "  no anagrams found" << endl;
    static void swap(char &c1, char &c2)
        char temp = c1;
        c1 = c2;
        c2 = temp;
    // Pass in word to be altered, the userWord for comparison, the array to store
    // anagrams, the dictionary for comparison, the count for the number of anagrams
    // and the count for number of dictionary words
    static void permute(string word, string userWord, int k, string anagrams[],
                    string dictionary[], unsigned int &next, unsigned    int listIdx)
        if(k == word.length()-1)
            if(isValidAnagram(word, userWord, dictionary, listIdx))
                anagrams[next] = word;
            for(int idx = k; idx < word.length(); ++idx)
                swap(word[k], word[idx]);
                permute(word, userWord, k+1, anagrams, dictionary, next, listIdx);
    // Create container to store anagrams, validate user's word in dictionary, get all
    // of the anagrams, then display all valid anagrams
    void getAnagrams(string word, string dictionary[], unsigned int listIdx)
        string anagrams[MAX_ANGM_SIZE];
        unsigned int next = 0;
        if(isValidWord(word, dictionary, listIdx))
            permute(word, word, 0, anagrams, dictionary, next, listIdx);
            cerr << "  \"" << word << "\"" << " is not a valid word" << endl;
        displayAnagrams(anagrams, next);
    // Read in dictionary file, store contents of file in a list, prompt
    // the user to type in words to generate anagrams
    int main()
        string file;
        string word;
        string quit = "quit";
        string dictionary[MAX_WORD_SIZE];
        unsigned int idx = 0;
        cout << "Enter a dictionary file: ";
        cin  >> file;
        cout << "Reading file \"" << file << "\"" << endl;
        cout << endl;
        ifstream inFile(file.c_str());
            cerr << "Can't open file \"" << file << "\""
             << endl;
            inFile >> dictionary[idx];
            cout << "Enter a word: ";
            cin  >> word;
            if(word == quit) break;
            getAnagrams(word, dictionary, idx);
            cout << endl;
        return 0;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)




答案 1 :(得分:2)



"Florent", "Abraham","Zoe"


("aaabhmr", "abraham"),("eflnort","florent"),("eoz","zoe")


然后,您在存储中查找该模式,并且您可以非常快速地找到所有字谜(log(size of dictionary))。当然,原始单词是元组的第二个元素。
