所以我想提供更多关于我正在做的事情的细节以使其更容易理解:我正在使用 Discord.js V12 制作一个虚拟食品配送机器人,有一个订单命令和一个订单来声明订单和另一个交付订单的命令,问题发生在使用交付命令时,似乎问题也与其他命令有关,但我不确定在使用“交付”命令时出现此错误“类型错误:无法读取未定义的属性“发送”” 主要给出错误的行是这样的:
client.channels.cache.get(order.channelID).send(`${client.users.cache.get(order.userID)}, Here is your taco that you ordered. Remember you can do \`.tip [Amount]\` to give us virtual tips, and \`.feedback [Feedback]\` to give us feedback on how we did. ${args[2]}`);
const { prefix } = require('../config.json');
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const fsn = require("fs-nextra");
const client = new Discord.Client();
const colors = require("colors");
module.exports = {
name: 'deliver',
description: 'Deliverying an order',
args: 'true',
usage: '<order ID> <imageURL>',
aliases: ['d'],
execute(message) {
const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
if (message.member.roles.cache.find(r => r.id === '745410836901789749')) {
if(message.guild.channels.cache.find(r => r.id === '746423099871985755')) {
fsn.readJSON("./orders.json").then((orderDB) => {
let ticketID = args[1];
let imageURL = args[2];
let order = orderDB[ticketID];
// If the order doesn't exist.
if(order === undefined) {
message.reply(`Couldn't find order \`${args[1]}\` Try again.`);
if(imageURL === undefined) {
message.reply('Correct usage: \`.deliver (order ID) (ImageURL)\`');
client.channels.cache.get(order.channelID).send(`${client.users.cache.get(order.userID)}, Here is your taco that you ordered. Remember you can do \`.tip [Amount]\` to give us virtual tips, and \`.feedback [Feedback]\` to give us feedback on how we did. ${args[2]}`);
// Checks status.
if (order.status === "Ready") {
// Delete ticket from database.
delete orderDB[ticketID];
// Writes data to JSON.
fsn.writeJSON("./orders.json", orderDB, {
replacer: null,
spaces: 4
}).then(() => {
message.reply(`Order \`${args[1]}\` Has been sent.`)
console.log(`Order ${args[1]} has been sent.`)
}).catch((err) => {
if (err) {
message.reply(`There was an error while writing to the database! Show the following message to a developer: \`\`\`${err}\`\`\``);
}else if(order.status === "Unclaimed") {
message.reply("This order hasn't been claimed yet. Run `.claim [Ticket ID]` to claim it.");
}else if(order.status === "Claimed") {
if(message.author.id === order.chef) {
message.reply("You haven't set an image for this order! yet Use `.setorder [Order ID]` to do it.");
}else {
message.reply(`This order hasn't been set an image yet, and only the chef of the order, ${client.users.get(order.chef).username} may set this order.`);
}else if(order.status === "Waiting") {
message.reply("This order is in the waiting process right now. Wait a little bit, then run `.deliver [Order ID] to deliver.");
}else {
message.reply("Please use this command in the correct channel.");
console.log(colors.red(`${message.author.username} used the claim command in the wrong channel.`));
}else {
message.reply("You do not have access to this command.");
console.log(colors.red(`${message.author.username} did not have access to the deliver command.`));
"VLC": {
"orderID": "VLC",
"userID": "734532125021307001",
"guildID": "745409671430668389",
"channelID": "746423099871985755",
"order": "a",
"status": "Ready",
"ticketChannelMessageID": "not set",
"chef": "734532125021307001"
抱歉包含了这么多细节,但这个错误阻止了我的所有机器人执行其主要功能 如果包含“订单”和“索赔”命令的代码有帮助,请告诉我并编辑帖子
编辑:我在代码的开头添加了 console.log(order.channelID)
和 console.log(order.userID)
,它实际上为这些记录了正确的 ID,那么为什么它不希望它向那里发送消息?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
client.channels.cache.get(order.channelID).send(`${client.users.cache.get(order.userID)}, Here is your taco that you ordered. Remember you can do \`.tip [Amount]\` to give us virtual tips, and \`.feedback [Feedback]\` to give us feedback on how we did. ${args[2]}`);
const customerchannel = message.guild.channels.cache.find(c => c.id === order.channelID)
customerchannel.send(`<@${order.userID}>, Here is your taco that you ordered. Remember you can do \`.tip [Amount]\` to give us virtual tips, and \`.feedback [Feedback]\` to give us feedback on how we did. ${args[2]}`);