多租户 b2b 无服务器应用程序中每个租户的自定义子域

时间:2021-01-06 23:37:53

标签: amazon-web-services dns multi-tenant serverless amazon-route53

我们正在规划一个多租户 b2b 无服务器应用程序。每个租户都有一个 Cognito 池,但有一个池化的 DynamoDB。应用前端也将通过一个通用的 S3 存储桶提供服务。

当新用户加入时,我们将为租户、身份池和角色配置一个用户池。新记录也将添加到 DDB。同时,我们需要为此用户创建一个自定义子域,该子域将从 s3 为应用程序提供服务。

-> I understand I could just add *.example.com but it will intercept garbage subdomains as well that are not connected to any user.
-> Also, it seems as if subdomain mapping has to be through CloudFront, which is fine but does CloudFront allow to point any number of subdomains to a distribution/s3 bucket


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