
时间:2011-07-03 00:25:18

标签: video buffer assembly tasm

我正在尝试在汇编程序中执行双缓冲视频,但在这种情况下我有一个问题,我不知道如何解决它,按下一个键后它无法关闭。显然问题出在 inc di

(我试图用缓冲区绘制所有320 * 200像素的白色)

.model small
.stack 400h

modovideo db ?
vram dw 0

xVal dw ?
yVal dw ?

main proc
   mov ax,@data
   mov ds,ax

  mov ah,0fh
  int 10h
  mov modovideo,al

  mov ah,0
  mov al,13h
  int 10h

  ; Segmento de memoria =====================================

  mov ah,48h
  mov bx,4000 ; 64000/16
  int 21h
  mov vram,ax

  ; Escribir en el segmento de memoria =======================================

mov es,vram

;offset = 320*y + x
    ;mov xVal,160
    ;mov yVal,100
    ;mov ax,320
    ;mul yVal
    ;add ax,xVal

mov di,0
mov al,7

mov cx,640
    mov es:[di],al
    inc di ; <-----------
    loop paso1

; Volcar sobre pantalla ======================================================

mov ds,vram
xor si,si
mov dx,0A000h
mov es,dx
xor di,di
mov cx,64000
rep movsb   

mov ah,1
int 21h

mov al,modovideo
mov ah,0
int 10h

mov ah,4ch
int 21h

    main endp

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  • 检查分配内存时的返回值(进位设置为错误,ax包含错误代码,8表示内存不足)[注意,如果您使用的是COM文件,大部分可用内存已经分配给你的程序,因此分配将失败]
  • 您需要在使用字符串说明之前清除/设置方向标记(在这种情况下为cld,请参阅例如here
  • 在复制中删除ds后,您需要在访问modovideo之前将其恢复(隐式使用ds)。

通过这些更改(以及一些额外的使其在COM文件中工作),它应该工作。我使用nasm(用nasm -f bin -o gfx.com gfx.asm编译)和DOSBox来测试它。请注意,我用来分配内存的方法很可能因为我为DOS编程已经有一段时间了。

    org 0x100

    ; Allocate back buffer
%if 0
    ; Use 21h call to allocate memory (for EXE files)
    mov ah, 0x48
    mov bx, 64000/16 
    int 0x21
    jc error ; carry set on error
    mov [vscr_seg], ax
    ; COM files get (most/all) available memory, grab some of it
    mov bx, word [0x0002] ; Get last paragraph from PSP
    sub bx, 64000/16 ; Make room for back buffer
    mov [vscr_seg], bx

    mov ax, ds
    add ax, 0x1000 ; Program start paragraph + 64K (max of COM file)
    cmp ax, bx ; Did it fit?
    jae error
    ; Clear back buffer
    mov es, [vscr_seg]
    xor di, di
    xor ax, ax
    mov cx, 32000
    rep stosw

    ; Get previous video mode
    mov ah, 0x0f
    int 0x10
    mov [previous_video_mode], al

    ; Set mode 13h (320x200 256 colors)
    mov ax, 0x0013
    int 0x10

    ; Fill half the back buffer with color 15
    mov es, [vscr_seg]
    xor di, di
    mov ax, 0x0f0f
    mov cx, 16000
    rep stosw

    ; And fill in all pixel colors at bottom row
    mov di, 199 * 320
    mov cx, 255
    xor al, al
    ; the below two instructions are equal to stosb when the direction flag is cleared
    mov [es:di], al 
    inc di

    inc al
    loop .fill

    ; Copy from back buffer to the screen
    push ds ; Remember to save DS!
    mov ds, [vscr_seg]
    mov ax, 0xa000
    mov es, ax
    xor di, di
    xor si, si
    mov cx, 32000
    rep movsw
    pop ds ; ... And restore it again

    ; Wait for keypress
    mov ah, 0x01
    int 0x21

    ; Restore video mode
    mov ah, 0x00
    mov al, [previous_video_mode]
    int 0x10

    ; Skip error block
    jmp exit

    ; Print bx and ax to facilitate debugging
    push ax
    call print_hex_word
    pop ax
    mov bx, ax
    call print_hex_word

    mov ah, 0x09
    mov dx, error_string
    int 0x21

    ; Exit
    mov ax, 0x4c00
    int 0x21

; Print 16-bit word in BX, trashes AX and DX (at least)
    mov dx, bx
    shr dx, 12
    call print_hex_digit
    mov dl, bh
    call print_hex_digit
    mov dl, bl
    shr dl, 4
    call print_hex_digit
    mov dl, bl
    call print_hex_digit
    ; New line
    mov ah, 0x02
    mov dl, 13
    int 0x21
    mov dl, 10
    int 0x21

    push bx
    and dl, 0x0f
    add dl, '0'
    cmp dl, '9'
    jle .print
    add dl, 'A' - '0' - 10
    mov ah, 0x02
    int 0x21
    pop bx

previous_video_mode db 0
vscr_seg dw 0
error_string db 'Error occurred!', 13, 10, 7, '$'