pyspark 字符串匹配 - 选择第一个匹配项

时间:2021-01-05 17:32:35

标签: string apache-spark pyspark apache-spark-sql string-matching



| Date | Comment | 
|:---- |:------:| 
| 20/01/2020 | Transfer from Euro Account to HSBC account done on Monday but AMEX payment was on Tue. |
| 20/01/2020 | Brian initiated a Transfer from Euro Account to Natwest last Tuesday. |
| 21/01/2020 | AMEX payment to Natwest was delayed for second time in a row. |
| 21/01/2020 | AMEX receipts from Euro Account delayed. |


| Tag | Comment | 
|:---- |:------:| 
| EURO | Euro Account to HSBC |
| Natwest | Euro Account to Natwest |
| AMEX | AMEX payment |


| Date | Comment | Tag |
|:---- |:------:| ----:|
| 20/01/2020 | Transfer from Euro Account to HSBC account done on Monday but AMEX payment was on Tue.| EURO |
| 20/01/2020 | Brian initiated a Transfer from Euro Account to Natwest last Tuesday. | Natwest |
| 21/01/2020 | AMEX payment to Natwest was delayed for second time in a row. | AMEX | 
| 21/01/2020 | AMEX receipts from Euro Account delayed. | |


code_df = code_df.withColumnRenamed('Comment', 'Commentcode')

result = comment_df.join(code_df, comment_df.Comment.contains(code_df.Commentcode), 'left').drop('Commentcode')

|Date      |Comment                                                              |Tag    |
|20/01/2020|Transfer from Euro Account to HSBC account done on Monday but AMEX payment was on Tue. |EURO|
|20/01/2020|Brian initiated a Transfer from Euro Account to Natwest last Tuesday.|Natwest|
|21/01/2020|AMEX payment to Natwest was delayed for second time in a row.        |AMEX|
|21/01/2020|AMEX receipts from Euro Account delayed.                             |null|

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


from pyspark.sql import functions as F, Window

result = comment_df.join(
        Window.partitionBy('Date', 'Comment')
              .orderBy(F.expr('instr(Comment, Commentcode)'))
).filter('rn = 1')