如何根据 Svelte 中另一家商店的价值稳健地更新一家商店?

时间:2021-01-05 16:19:29

标签: javascript store svelte

我今天正在 Svelte 中编写我的第一个应用程序,在尝试创建一个非平凡的商店系统时遇到了一个基本的逻辑问题。


文档说明可以像这样使用 get 获取商店的状态值:

import { get } from 'svelte/store';
const value = get(store);



通常,您应该通过订阅商店并使用随时间变化的值来读取商店的值。有时,您可能需要检索您未订阅的商店的值。 get 允许你这样做。 这通过创建订阅,读取值,然后取消订阅来实现。因此不推荐在热代码路径中使用。




在我的示例中,我正在使用一个应用程序,您必须在其中射击目标,但目标的 HP 会下降,因为您的左轮手枪腔中的第一种弹药数量。


# Step 1: Create an input listener

const keyboardListener = (() => {
    const subscribers = new Map();
    document.addEventListener('keyup', event => {
        if (event.code === 'Space') {
            [...subscribers].forEach(sub => sub({ eventType: 'fire' }));
    function subscribe(fn) {
        this.subscribers.set(fn, fn);
        return () => {
    return {


# Step 2a: Store architecture pattern 1: The problem

export const target = writable({
    name: 'cow',
    hp: 100,

export const ammo = writable([
        type: 'armourPiercing',
        damage: 20,
        type: 'explosive',
        damage: 50,
        type: 'flash',
        damage: 1,

keyboardListener.subscribe(() => {

    // If we have ammo, get the first ammo and reduce the cows HP.
    target.set(currentTargetValue => ({
        hp: currentTargetValue.hp - ammoDamage // Where does ammoDamage come from?



# Step 2b: Store architecture pattern 2: One big store
# (So we can access the current value of both stores during
# the update)

export const wholeAppStore = writable({
    target: {
        name: 'cow',
        hp: 100,
    ammo: [
            type: 'armourPiercing',
            damage: 20,
            type: 'explosive',
            damage: 50,
            type: 'flash',
            damage: 1,

keyboardListener.subscribe(() => {

    // If we have ammo, get the first ammo and reduce the cows HP.
    wholeAppStore.set(currentWholeAppStoreValue => {
        const newAmmo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentWholeAppStoreValue.ammo));
        const firstAmmo = newAmmo.pop();
        const newTarget = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentWholeAppStoreValue.target));
        newTarget.hp -= firstAmmo.damage;
        return {
            target: newTarget,
            ammo: newAmmo,


那么让我们尝试使用 get 函数。

# Step 2c: Store architecture pattern 3: Use "get"?

export const target = writable({
    name: 'cow',
    hp: 100,

export const ammo = writable([
        type: 'armourPiercing',
        damage: 20,
        type: 'explosive',
        damage: 50,
        type: 'flash',
        damage: 1,

keyboardListener.subscribe(() => {

    const ammoValue = get(ammo);
    const firstAmmo = [...ammoValue].pop();
    const ammoDamage = firstAmmo.damage;

    // If we have ammo, get the first ammo and reduce the cows HP.
    target.set(currentTargetValue => ({
        hp: currentTargetValue.hp - ammoDamage;

但由于文档中的消息传递,我不确定这种方法。另外,由于我只使用了 get 来提取值,因此弹药库尚未更新以从左轮手枪室中取出弹药。也许我们应该用两个单独的更新回调来完成。

# Step 2d: Store architecture pattern 4:
# Use messy global vars?

export const target = writable({
    name: 'cow',
    hp: 100,

export const ammo = writable([
        type: 'armourPiercing',
        damage: 20,
        type: 'explosive',
        damage: 50,
        type: 'flash',
        damage: 1,

keyboardListener.subscribe(() => {

    let firstAmmo; // "Global" var
    ammo.set(currentAmmoValue => {
        const newAmmo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(currentAmmoValue));
        firstAmmo = newAmmo.pop();
        return newAmmo;
    const ammoDamage = firstAmmo.damage;

    // If we have ammo, get the first ammo and reduce the cows HP.
    target.set(currentTargetValue => ({
        hp: currentTargetValue.hp - ammoDamage;


所以你看,我很难为更大的应用商店架构找到一个好的模式。当然,这实际上是一个相对简单的应用程序 - 现实世界的应用程序当然会复杂得多。

所以我想知道 - 是否有任何既定的模式来管理 Svelte 中的大型、相互关联的商店?

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