OCRmyPDF 没有输出

时间:2021-01-05 08:05:26

标签: python python-3.x pdf ocr google-colaboratory

我正在使用 OCRmyPDF 从扫描的 pdf 文件中提取文本。为此,我使用来自 this Colab notebook 的代码。唯一的区别是,我没有从在线 url 下载 pdf 文件,而是使用存储在本地机器上的 pdf 文件(将其替换为 {file_name} 而不是 {invoice_pdf})。在我运行之前,一切看起来都很好:

os.system(f'ocrmypdf {file_name} output.pdf')

我得到的不是 0,而是 512!下一行,当我运行 !ocrmypdf Performance Evaluations.pdf output.pdf 时,我收到一条无法识别的错误消息,内容如下:

usage: ocrmypdf [-h] [-l LANGUAGE] [--image-dpi DPI]
                [--output-type {pdfa,pdf,pdfa-1,pdfa-2}] [--sidecar [FILE]]
                [--version] [-j N] [-q] [-v [VERBOSE]] [--title TITLE]
                [--author AUTHOR] [--subject SUBJECT] [--keywords KEYWORDS]
                [-r] [--remove-background] [-d] [-c] [-i] [--oversample DPI]
                [-f] [-s] [--skip-big MPixels] [--max-image-mpixels MPixels]
                [--tesseract-config CFG] [--tesseract-pagesegmode PSM]
                [--tesseract-oem MODE]
                [--pdf-renderer {auto,tesseract,hocr,sandwich}]
                [--tesseract-timeout SECONDS]
                [--rotate-pages-threshold CONFIDENCE]
                [--pdfa-image-compression {auto,jpeg,lossless}]
                [--user-words FILE] [--user-patterns FILE] [--skip-repair]
                [-k] [-g] [--flowchart FLOWCHART]
                input_pdf_or_image output_pdf
ocrmypdf: error: unrecognized arguments: output.pdf


with pdfplumber.open('output.pdf') as pdf:
    page = pdf.pages[0]
    text = page.extract_text(x_tolerance=2)


FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-19-8274f7005856> in <module>()
----> 1 with pdfplumber.open('output.pdf') as pdf:
      2     page = pdf.pages[0]
      3     text = page.extract_text(x_tolerance=2)
      4     print(text)

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pdfplumber/pdf.py in open(cls, path_or_fp, **kwargs)
     56     def open(cls, path_or_fp, **kwargs):
     57         if isinstance(path_or_fp, (str, pathlib.Path)):
---> 58             fp = open(path_or_fp, "rb")
     59             inst = cls(fp, **kwargs)
     60             inst.close = fp.close

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'output.pdf'


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ocrmypdf "Performance Evaluations.pdf" output.pdf

ocrmypdf 'Performance Evaluations.pdf' output.pdf