Slim 4 Framework Dynamic PDO Connections 使用从 master 数据库获取的数据库连接信息

时间:2020-12-30 19:02:35

标签: php pdo slim

在有人说这个问题已经得到回答之前,请注意,虽然在容器中定义多个 pdo 连接已经解释了 herehere,但我的问题更多地是关于构建的最佳方法来自从主数据库获取的 json 对象的动态 pdo 连接。

我使用以下 Database 类创建我需要的任何数据库连接,无论何时何地都需要它们。

class Database {

    private static $dbs = array();

    # we declare as static so the state is kept between function calls to connect
    # this allows to connect just once to the database and then just return the connection
    # on future function calls
    private static $conn = null;

    # now since we dont want to reinstiate the class anytime we need it, lets also set the constructor to private
    private function __construct(){}

    #  get the database connection
    public static function connect( $name, $opt, $struct, $key = null ) {
        if( empty( self::$dbs[$name] ) ) {
            try {
                $struct['username'] = ( null === $key ) ? $struct['username'] : Security::XORDecrypt( $struct['username'], $key );
                $struct['password'] = ( null === $key ) ? $struct['password'] : Security::XORDecrypt( $struct['password'], $key );

                switch( $struct['type'] ) {
                    case 'sqlsrv': # MSSQL
                        self::$conn = new PDO( "sqlsrv:server=" . $struct['hostname'] . ";" . "ConnectionPooling=1;" .  "database=" . $struct['database'], $struct['username'], $struct['password'], array( PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION, PDO::SQLSRV_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT => intval( $struct['timeout'], 10 ) ) );

                self::$dbs[$name] = self::$conn;
                return self::$conn;
            catch( PDOException $ex ) {
                if( $opt == 1 )
                    echo "<p class='bg-danger'>Connection error: " . $ex->getMessage() . "</p>";
                    die( json_encode( array( 'outcome' => false, 'message' => 'Unable to connect' ) ) );
        return self::$dbs[$name];

    public static function disconnect( $name ) {
        if( self::$dbs[$name] != NULL ) {
            self::$dbs[$name] = NULL;


$pre = '_' . $app_id; $$pre = ''; 
$conn = Database::connect( $pre, $env['options']['env'], $apps['db_conns'][$app_id], $i_key );


$app_id:存储正在请求数据的应用程序实例的 id




然后将 $conn 传递给执行请求的数据库操作的类。当不再需要连接时,我使用

Database::disconnect( $pre );

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