
时间:2011-07-01 09:12:37

标签: html css scrollable

我想有一个可滚动的div,但滚动条应该在浏览器的右侧作为默认值(但不在div的右侧)。我在facebook上看过(ceter div - contentArea由右侧浏览器滚动条滚动)。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)

Facebook的做法是让所有不滚动的内容都有position fixed。这样,本机浏览器滚动条似乎只会滚动中心区域,而实际上是固定在适当位置的页面的其余部分。







答案 1 :(得分:2)


这给你的印象是滚动条在div之外,当你实际滚动整个页面时,左右div元素是固定的。即:使用样式position: fixed;

答案 2 :(得分:1)


position:fixed; /* this will make the div stay in the same place */
width:100%;  /* this will size the dive to the width of the window */
height: 42px;  /* this will make the height of the div 42px */
top:0px;  /* make sure the div is at the very top */
left:0px;  /* make sure the div is as far left as possible */
background: #009933; /* this will make the background of the div into a green color */
}#head_slack{ /* we make this one the same size so no text is ever covered */
width:100%; /* make sure the width of the slack is 100% */
height: 42px;  /* make sure the hight of the slack is the same as the head fixed */
margin: 0px; /* takes out the default white border around the page */
width 150px;  /* set the width the same as the with of the table data cell containing the div */
position: fixed;  /* make sure it stays in place */
left: 0px;  /* make sure the div is at the left */
top: 45px;  /* make sure the div is below the head div */
width 200px;  /* set the width the same as the with of the table data cell containing the div */
position: fixed;  /* make sure it stays in place */
right: 0px;  /* make sure the div is at the right */
top: 45px;  /* make sure the div is below the head div */
<div id="head">This is the fixed header</div>
<div id="head_slack">this is the header that takes the slack</div>
<table width="100%">
<td width="150px" valign="top">
<div id="leftFixed">This is fixed content on the left</div>
This is the scrollable content
<td width="200px" valign="top">
<div id="rightFixed">this is fixed content on the right</div>

答案 3 :(得分:0)


overflow: hidden;
width: calc(1024px + 0);

