While 循环不会在每次迭代时执行语句

时间:2020-12-23 04:14:41

标签: c while-loop variable-assignment

我是 C 语言的初学者,遇到一个很大的 while 循环问题。基本上我在循环中有 2 个变量赋值,由于某种原因不会在每次迭代时执行,所以变量的值保持不变。除此之外,一切正常。

编辑:我现在知道我在 play() 函数中设置为 double 的变量默认为 int 。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int play();

int main()
    double correct, attempts;
    char host[10], player[10];


    printf("What's up strangers! Welcome to my game.\n");
    printf("Please CAREFULLY read all prompts from this point forward.\n");


    printf("First thigs first, HOST, what is your name? ");
    scanf("%s", host);


    printf("Ok %s, what is the number you would like the player to guess? ", 
    scanf("%d", &correct);
    printf("Then how many attempts would like them to have on guessing? ");
    scanf("%d", &attempts);
    printf("Thank you %s, now please leave room for our fearless player of 
the day.\n", host);


    printf("Mighty player, your fearless game host for today is %s. Please 
enter your name: ", host);
    scanf("%s", player);


    printf("Alright %s! The rule is simple, you have %d attempts to guess 
%s's number.", player, attempts, host);
    printf("Any time you guess wrong, the game will tell you how far off your 
answer was.\n");
    printf("Your score will be displayed at he end of the game.\n");
    printf("Whenever you are ready... Good luck!");

    return play(correct, attempts, host, player);

play(correct, attempts, host, player)
    double count = 1, pcent, pdiff, answer;
    char score[1], suffix[2];

    while (count < attempts)
        pcent = 100*sqrt(pow((1-(count/attempts)), 2));
        if (pcent == 100)
            strcpy(score, "S");
        else if (pcent < 100 && pcent >= 90)
            strcpy(score, "A");
        else if (pcent < 90 && pcent >= 80)
            strcpy(score, "B");
        else if (pcent < 80 && pcent >= 70)
            strcpy(score, "C");
        else if (pcent < 70 && pcent >= 60)
            strcpy(score, "D");
            strcpy(score, "F");

        if (count == 1)
            strcpy(suffix, "st");
        else if (count == 2)
            strcpy(suffix, "nd");
        else if (count == 3)
            strcpy(suffix, "st");
            strcpy(suffix, "th");

        printf("%d", pcent);
        printf("%s, please enter your %d%s guess: ", player, count, suffix);
        scanf("%d", &answer);
        pdiff = 200*((answer-correct)/(answer+correct));
        printf("%f", pdiff);


        if (answer == correct)
            printf("That is correct %s! You got it on your %d%s try.\n", 
player, count, suffix);
            printf("Your score is %s.", score);
            return main();
            printf("Wrong answer %s! Your guess was %f percent off from the 
correct answer.\n", player, pdiff);
            printf("You have %d attempts remaining.\n", attempts-count);
        count ++;
    printf("Sorry %s, but you have no more attempt remaining... Please play 
again later.\n", player);
    return main();

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果没有您的完整代码,就不可能 100% 确定我已经涵盖了所有内容,但我相信我已经捕捉到了明显的内容:

  • 您的主要数学问题似乎与出现在 pcent = 100*sqrt(pow((1-(count/attempts)), 2));pdiff = 200*((answer-correct)/(answer+correct)); 中的整数除法有关。如果您需要每个除法中的小数部分,请将除数(或被除数)转换为 (double)
  • 您的数组太短了,无法容纳您尝试 strcpy() 给它们的字符串。建议将 score 设为 char 并使用 suffix[8]。 (最好是 10,000 个字符太长而不是一个字符太短)。
  • 始终为参数列表中的每个变量提供类型
  • 总是在每个 break; 情况下提供一个 switch() 语句(尽管您现在已经编辑了一个使用过的 if .. else if .. else)。如果您未能break;失败,则会出现下一个案例。
  • 您的函数类型是 int,因此当您 return 时,您 return value; 其中 value 是类型 int,而不是 main()。您不需要返回调用函数,因为您的 play() 函数已经将 frame-pointermain() 作为 函数序言 的一部分存储并且知道从哪里返回控制何时完成。
  • 选择有意义的回报,例如return 1; 错误和 return 0; 成功,C 为 EXIT_FALURE (1) 和 EXIT_SUCCESS ( 0) 提供了两个宏。
  • 通过检查返回来验证每个用户输入。
  • 通过检查返回来验证每次转化。
  • 使用合理大小的缓冲区(字符数组),并使用 fgets() 而不是 scanf() 获取所有用户输入,因此 stdin 中未读的内容不依赖于转换说明符或是否发生匹配失败
  • 使用 sscanf() 从缓冲区获取(解析)单个值,就像使用 scanf() 一样,但提供缓冲区作为第一个参数。
  • 您只需调用一次 printf()(或 puts()fputs())即可输出连续的文本块——无论它有多少行。
  • 仅在需要转换时使用 printf(),否则使用 puts() 如果您希望自动附加 '\n',如果需要行尾控制则使用 fputs() - - 例如提示输入。
  • "The expression of each case label shall be an integer constant expression..." C11 Standard - The switch statement(p3) 您对范围表达式的使用,例如60 ... 69 仅由非标准编译器扩展提供。

可能还有更多我忘记提及的更改。我怀疑您的 player 实际上是 char*,但由于缺少类型,它在您的问题中默认为 int。因此,如果是这样,请将 %d 格式字符串中使用的 printf() 更改为 %s。我在下面加入了进一步的评论:


#define MAXC 256        /* if you need a constant, #define one or more */

int play (int correct, int attempts, int host, int player)
    int count = 1, answer = 0;                          /* initialize variables */
    char buf[MAXC] = "", score = 0, suffix[8] = "";
    double pdiff = 0., pcent = 0.;

    while (count < attempts)
        pcent = 100 * sqrt(pow((1-((double)count/attempts)), 2));
        switch ((int)pcent)
            case 60 ... 69:
                score = 'D'; break;             /* you must break or fall-through occurs */
            case 70 ... 79:
                score = 'C'; break;
            case 80 ... 89:
                score = 'B'; break;
            case 90 ... 99:
                score = 'A'; break;
            case 100:
                score = 'F'; break;
                score = 'S'; break;

        switch (count)
            case 1:
                strcpy (suffix, "st"); break;   /* ditto */
            case 2:
                strcpy (suffix, "nd"); break;
            case 3:
                strcpy (suffix, "rd"); break;
                strcpy (suffix, "th"); break;

        printf ("percent: %.2f\n", pcent);          /* left alone since it looks like debug */
        printf ("%d, please enter your %d%s guess: ", player, count, suffix);
        if (!fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin)) {            /* read & VALIDATE all user-input */
            puts ("(user canceled)");
            return 1;
        if (sscanf (buf, "%d", &answer) != 1) {     /* validate EVERY conversion */
            fputs ("error: invalid integer input.\n", stderr);
            return 1;
        pdiff = 200 * ((double)(answer-correct) / (answer+correct));
        printf ("%f", pdiff);

        // system("cls");           /* not really needed, just scrolls lines up */

        if (answer == correct)
            printf ("That is correct %d! You got it on your %d%s try.\nYour score is %c.",
                    player, count, suffix, score);
            // system("pause");
            fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin);       /* will do nicely instead of pause */
            return 1;                       /* just return */
            printf ("Wrong answer %d! "
                    "Your guess was %.2f percent off from the correct answer.\n"
                    "You have %d attempts remaining.\n", player, pdiff, attempts-count);
            // system("pause");
            fgets (buf, MAXC, stdin);       /* will do nicely instead of pause */
    printf ("Sorry %d, but you have no more attempt remaining... "
            "Please play again later.\n", player);

    return 0;     /*just return -- the function handles saving the callers */

这是我对您需要的最佳猜测。根据需要调整 player 的类型。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



while (<condition>) {
   a = 2;


while (<condition>) {
   // or a = a + 1;

由于没有代码或照片可以分析,所以很难给出一个 具体答案。