
时间:2020-12-21 13:06:13

标签: video-streaming apex salesforce-lightning

我正在制作一个组件,它允许我使用桌面相机的捕获制作视频。在javascript中,我有 '' vidSave.src '' 这是录制的视频的网址。当我尝试在特定对象的文件中录制视频时,视频会被录制,但是当我下载并播放它时,什么也没有出现。我想我的错误会在这里“conVer.VersionData = Blob.valueof (srcVideo);” 我不明白我错过了什么,有什么想法吗?谢谢


let blob = new Blob(chunks, { 'type' : 'video/mp4;' });
            chunks = [];
            let videoURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
            vidSave.src = videoURL;


    public static String save(String contactId, String srcVideo, string nameFile){
        System.debug('contactId:: '+contactId);
        System.debug('srcVideo:: '+srcVideo);
        System.debug(' Blob.valueof(srcVideo): '+ Blob.valueof(srcVideo));
        System.debug('nameFile:: '+nameFile);
        try {
            ContentVersion conVer = new ContentVersion();
            conVer.ContentLocation = 'S'; // to use S specify this document is in Salesforce, to use E for external files
            conVer.PathOnClient =  'Test_Image.mp4';// The files name, extension is very important here which will help the file in preview.
            conVer.Title = nameFile; // Display name of the files
            conVer.VersionData = Blob.valueof(srcVideo);//EncodingUtil.base64Decode(srcVideo); // converting your binary string to Blog
            insert conVer;    //Insert ContentVersion
            System.debug('conVer: '+conVer);
            // First get the Content Document Id from ContentVersion Object
            Id conDoc = [SELECT ContentDocumentId FROM ContentVersion WHERE Id =:conVer.Id].ContentDocumentId;
            System.debug('conDoc:: '+conDoc);
            //create ContentDocumentLink  record 
            ContentDocumentLink conDocLink = New ContentDocumentLink();
            conDocLink.Visibility = 'AllUsers';
            conDocLink.LinkedEntityId = contactId; // Specify RECORD ID here i.e Any Object ID (Standard Object/Custom Object)
            conDocLink.ContentDocumentId = conDoc;  //ContentDocumentId Id from ContentVersion
            conDocLink.shareType = 'V';
            insert conDocLink;
            System.debug('conDocLink: '+conDocLink);
            // This doesn't execute since insert causes an exception
            System.debug('Statement after insert.');
            return 'true';
        } catch(DmlException e) {
            System.debug('The following exception has occurred: ' + e.getMessage());
            return String.valueOf(e.getMessage());

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