我正在尝试使用电子表格中的值显示 HTML 页面。我点击我的生成 HTML 页面链接,它重定向到我创建的 HTML 页面。它显示正确,除了脚本总是从第一行获取值。我的印象是 doGet()
function fetchSpreadsheetValues(row) {
var values = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(row, 1, row, 51).getValues(); // Get values from the specified range; original: row, 1, row, 51
var rec = values[0];
var candidate = {
row: row, // always returning 1 (first row)
r1: rec[0],
r2: rec[1],
r3: rec[2],
broker: rec[5], // Broker/Agent column
return candidate;
function doGet() { // must return HtmlOutput
var cell = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getCurrentCell(); // Get selected cell in the sheet
var row = cell.getRow(); // Get selected cell's rows; always returning 1.
var candidate = fetchSpreadsheetValues(row);
var templ = HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('agent-listing'); // Load HTML for the email; returns HtmlTemplate
templ.candidate = candidate; // Assign candidate object to a variable in the template
return templ.evaluate();
function onOpen() { // Add menu inside the spreadsheet
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Process').addItem('Send Email', 'showConfirmation').addItem('Generate HTML page', 'generateHTML').addToUi();
function generateHTML() {
.showModalDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('openUrl').setHeight(50),"Generating HTML... Please wait.")
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<base target="_top">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<div style="margin-left: 3%;">
<!-- just to see the values -->
<p>row <?= candidate.row ?>,</p>
<p>R1 <?= candidate.r1 ?>,</p>
<p>R2 <?= candidate.r2 ?>,</p>
<p>R3 <?= candidate.r3 ?>,</p>
<p>Hi <?= candidate.broker ?>,</p>
<p>Test test</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_blank">
var url1 ='https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxU3VzpwPsBPEnfkPtMmCzo0YACc9UXPUlIcd6cm5Q/dev';
var winRef = window.open(url1);
winRef ? google.script.host.close() : window.alert('Allow popup to redirect you to '+url1) ;
document.getElementById('url').href = url1;
Kindly allow pop ups<br />or <a id='url'>click here</a> to continue!!!
答案 0 :(得分:1)
这是我如何完成两项工作以获取当前电子表格行和工作表。当我启动对话框时,我使用 getScriptUrl() 来获取当前的 scriptApp.getService().getUrl() 并且我还将行和工作表名称作为查询参数添加到 url。我计划在 doGet() 中使用它们,但在这个版本中我决定使用 cacheservice 将它们存储大约 30 秒,这足以启动 ah3,就像您的代理列表一样,dg() 函数使用它们获取活动工作表和当前行。
我只是尝试了 doGet(e) 和 dg(e) 使用 e.parameter.name 和 e.parameter.row 传递行和工作表名称,以便可以显示正确的数据,这也否定了需要在类似于您的 agent-listing.html 的“ah2.html”文件中调用 google.script.run.dg()。
我的 'ah3.html' 与您的 'openURL.html' 相似
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_blank">
var winRef = window.open(obj.url);
winRef ? google.script.host.close() : window.alert('Allow popup to redirect you to '+ obj.url) ;
document.getElementById('url').href = obj.url;
Kindly allow pop ups<br />or <a id='url'>click here</a> to continue!!!
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<base target="_top">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
google.script.run.dg();//remove this if you use the query string in doGet(e)
<div style="margin-left: 3%;">
<!-- just to see the values -->
<p>row <?= candidate.row ?>,</p>
<p>R1 <?= candidate.r1 ?>,</p>
<p>R2 <?= candidate.r2 ?>,</p>
<p>R3 <?= candidate.r3 ?>,</p>
<p>Hi <?= candidate.broker ?>,</p>
<p>Sheet Name <?= sheet ?>,</p>
<p>Test test</p>
我的 ag3.gs 和你的 google 脚本代码很相似
function fetchSpreadsheetValues(row) {//this needs to be getting an obj with bow row and sheetname values so if you decided to use cache service like I did then you'll need to modify this also.
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
const values=sh.getRange(row, 1, sh.getLastRow()-row+1, 51).getValues();
const rec=values[0];
var candidate={row: row,r1:rec[0],r2:rec[1],r3:rec[2],broker:rec[5]};
return candidate;
function doGet(e) {
return dg(e);
function launchDialog() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('ah3'),"Generating HTML... Please wait.");
function dg(e) {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const cs=CacheService.getScriptCache();
const sh=ss.getSheetByName(cs.get('name'));//use e.parameter.name here with querystring if you use them you can avoid the use of the cacheservice.
var row=Number(cs.get('row'));//use e.parameter.row here with querystring
var candidate=fetchSpreadsheetValues(row);
var templ=HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('ah2');
return templ.evaluate();
function getScriptUrl() {
const cs=CacheService.getScriptCache();
const obj=getCurrentPosition();
cs.put('row', obj.row, 30);
cs.put('name', obj.name, 30);
let robj={url:ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() + '?&row=' + obj.row + '&name=' + obj.name,row:obj.row,name:obj.name};
return robj;
function activesheettest() {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
function getCurrentPosition() {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
const cell=sh.getActiveRange();
const row=cell.getRow();
const robj={row:row,name:sh.getName()};
return robj;
这是使用 webapp 查询字符串并将名称和行附加到 url 的版本。
function fetchSpreadsheetValues(obj) {
const sheetname=obj.name;
const row=obj.row;
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getSheetByName(sheetname);
const values=sh.getRange(row, 1, sh.getLastRow()-row+1, 51).getValues();
const rec=values[0];
var candidate={row: row,r1:rec[0],r2:rec[1],r3:rec[2],broker:rec[5]};
return candidate;
function doGet(e) {
return dg(e);
function launchDialog() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModelessDialog(HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('ah3'),"Generating HTML... Please wait.");
function dg(e) {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const cs=CacheService.getScriptCache();
const sh=ss.getSheetByName(e.parameter.name);
var row=Number(e.parameter.row);
var candidate=fetchSpreadsheetValues({row:e.parameter.row,name:e.parameter.name});
var templ=HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('ah2');
return templ.evaluate();
function getScriptUrl() {
const cs=CacheService.getScriptCache();
const obj=getCurrentPosition();
cs.put('row', obj.row, 30);
cs.put('name', obj.name, 30);
let robj={url:ScriptApp.getService().getUrl() + '?&row=' + obj.row + '&name=' + obj.name,row:obj.row,name:obj.name};
return robj;
function activesheettest() {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
function getCurrentPosition() {
const ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh=ss.getActiveSheet();
const cell=sh.getActiveRange();
const row=cell.getRow();
const robj={row:row,name:sh.getName()};
return robj;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<base target="_top">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
<div style="margin-left: 3%;">
<!-- just to see the values -->
<p>row <?= candidate.row ?>,</p>
<p>R1 <?= candidate.r1 ?>,</p>
<p>R2 <?= candidate.r2 ?>,</p>
<p>R3 <?= candidate.r3 ?>,</p>
<p>Hi <?= candidate.broker ?>,</p>
<p>Sheet Name <?= sheet ?>,</p>
<p>Test test</p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<base target="_blank">
var winRef = window.open(obj.url);
winRef ? google.script.host.close() : window.alert('Allow popup to redirect you to '+ obj.url) ;
document.getElementById('url').href = obj.url;
Kindly allow pop ups<br />or <a id='url'>click here</a> to continue!!!
我刚刚测试了这个版本,现在我修改了 fetchSpreadsheetValues() 函数,它可以正确获取数据。上面的版本可能仍然不正确,因为我没有修改那里的功能。