然后是字符串B:“Amy Robertson”
答案 0 :(得分:148)
Simon有一个Java版本的算法,下面我写了一个PL / Ruby版本(取自Mark Wong-VanHaren在相关论坛条目评论中完成的普通ruby版本),以便我可以在我的PostgreSQL查询:
CREATE FUNCTION string_similarity(str1 varchar, str2 varchar)
RETURNS float8 AS '
pairs1 = (0..str1.length-2).collect {|i| str1[i,2]}.reject {
|pair| pair.include? " "}
pairs2 = (0..str2.length-2).collect {|i| str2[i,2]}.reject {
|pair| pair.include? " "}
union = pairs1.size + pairs2.size
intersection = 0
pairs1.each do |p1|
0.upto(pairs2.size-1) do |i|
if p1 == pairs2[i]
intersection += 1
(2.0 * intersection) / union
' LANGUAGE 'plruby';
答案 1 :(得分:75)
marzagao's answer很棒。我将它转换为C#所以我想我会在这里发布它:
/// <summary>
/// This class implements string comparison algorithm
/// based on character pair similarity
/// Source: http://www.catalysoft.com/articles/StrikeAMatch.html
/// </summary>
public class SimilarityTool
/// <summary>
/// Compares the two strings based on letter pair matches
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str1"></param>
/// <param name="str2"></param>
/// <returns>The percentage match from 0.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 is 100%</returns>
public double CompareStrings(string str1, string str2)
List<string> pairs1 = WordLetterPairs(str1.ToUpper());
List<string> pairs2 = WordLetterPairs(str2.ToUpper());
int intersection = 0;
int union = pairs1.Count + pairs2.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < pairs1.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < pairs2.Count; j++)
if (pairs1[i] == pairs2[j])
pairs2.RemoveAt(j);//Must remove the match to prevent "GGGG" from appearing to match "GG" with 100% success
return (2.0 * intersection) / union;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all letter pairs for each
/// individual word in the string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private List<string> WordLetterPairs(string str)
List<string> AllPairs = new List<string>();
// Tokenize the string and put the tokens/words into an array
string[] Words = Regex.Split(str, @"\s");
// For each word
for (int w = 0; w < Words.Length; w++)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Words[w]))
// Find the pairs of characters
String[] PairsInWord = LetterPairs(Words[w]);
for (int p = 0; p < PairsInWord.Length; p++)
return AllPairs;
/// <summary>
/// Generates an array containing every
/// two consecutive letters in the input string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string[] LetterPairs(string str)
int numPairs = str.Length - 1;
string[] pairs = new string[numPairs];
for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++)
pairs[i] = str.Substring(i, 2);
return pairs;
答案 2 :(得分:37)
def get_bigrams(string):
Take a string and return a list of bigrams.
s = string.lower()
return [s[i:i+2] for i in list(range(len(s) - 1))]
def string_similarity(str1, str2):
Perform bigram comparison between two strings
and return a percentage match in decimal form.
pairs1 = get_bigrams(str1)
pairs2 = get_bigrams(str2)
union = len(pairs1) + len(pairs2)
hit_count = 0
for x in pairs1:
for y in pairs2:
if x == y:
hit_count += 1
return (2.0 * hit_count) / union
if __name__ == "__main__":
Run a test using the example taken from:
w1 = 'Healed'
words = ['Heard', 'Healthy', 'Help', 'Herded', 'Sealed', 'Sold']
for w2 in words:
print('Healed --- ' + w2)
print(string_similarity(w1, w2))
答案 3 :(得分:17)
这是Simon White建议的StrikeAMatch算法的PHP实现。优点(如链接中所述)是:
词汇相似性的真实反映 - 应将小差异的字符串视为相似。特别是,重要的子串重叠应该指向字符串之间的高度相似性。
字序变化的稳健性 - 两个字符串包含相同的字,但顺序不同,应该被认为是相似的。另一方面,如果一个字符串只是另一个字符串中包含的字符的随机字谜,则它应该(通常)被识别为不相似。
语言独立 - 该算法不仅应该以英语运行,还应该以多种语言运行。
* LetterPairSimilarity algorithm implementation in PHP
* @author Igal Alkon
* @link http://www.catalysoft.com/articles/StrikeAMatch.html
class LetterPairSimilarity
* @param $str
* @return mixed
private function wordLetterPairs($str)
$allPairs = array();
// Tokenize the string and put the tokens/words into an array
$words = explode(' ', $str);
// For each word
for ($w = 0; $w < count($words); $w++)
// Find the pairs of characters
$pairsInWord = $this->letterPairs($words[$w]);
for ($p = 0; $p < count($pairsInWord); $p++)
$allPairs[] = $pairsInWord[$p];
return $allPairs;
* @param $str
* @return array
private function letterPairs($str)
$numPairs = mb_strlen($str)-1;
$pairs = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $numPairs; $i++)
$pairs[$i] = mb_substr($str,$i,2);
return $pairs;
* @param $str1
* @param $str2
* @return float
public function compareStrings($str1, $str2)
$pairs1 = $this->wordLetterPairs(strtoupper($str1));
$pairs2 = $this->wordLetterPairs(strtoupper($str2));
$intersection = 0;
$union = count($pairs1) + count($pairs2);
for ($i=0; $i < count($pairs1); $i++)
$pair1 = $pairs1[$i];
$pairs2 = array_values($pairs2);
for($j = 0; $j < count($pairs2); $j++)
$pair2 = $pairs2[$j];
if ($pair1 === $pair2)
return (2.0*$intersection)/$union;
答案 4 :(得分:17)
较短版本的John Rutledge's回答:
def get_bigrams(string):
Takes a string and returns a list of bigrams
s = string.lower()
return {s[i:i+2] for i in xrange(len(s) - 1)}
def string_similarity(str1, str2):
Perform bigram comparison between two strings
and return a percentage match in decimal form
pairs1 = get_bigrams(str1)
pairs2 = get_bigrams(str2)
return (2.0 * len(pairs1 & pairs2)) / (len(pairs1) + len(pairs2))
答案 5 :(得分:13)
这个讨论非常有用,谢谢。我将算法转换为VBA以便与Excel一起使用,并编写了几个版本的工作表函数,一个用于简单比较一对字符串,另一个用于将一个字符串与一个范围/字符串数组进行比较。 strSimLookup版本返回最后一个匹配作为字符串,数组索引或相似性度量。
此实现产生的结果与Simon White网站上的亚马逊示例中列出的结果相同,但在得分较低的匹配上有一些小的例外情况;不确定差异在哪里蔓延,可能是VBA的分裂功能,但我没有调查,因为它的工作正常。
'Implements functions to rate how similar two strings are on
'a scale of 0.0 (completely dissimilar) to 1.0 (exactly similar)
'Source: http://www.catalysoft.com/articles/StrikeAMatch.html
'Author: Bob Chatham, bob.chatham at gmail.com
Option Explicit
Public Function stringSimilarity(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Variant
'Simple version of the algorithm that computes the similiarity metric
'between two strings.
'NOTE: This verision is not efficient to use if you're comparing one string
'with a range of other values as it will needlessly calculate the pairs for the
'first string over an over again; use the array-optimized version for this case.
Dim sPairs1 As Collection
Dim sPairs2 As Collection
Set sPairs1 = New Collection
Set sPairs2 = New Collection
WordLetterPairs str1, sPairs1
WordLetterPairs str2, sPairs2
stringSimilarity = SimilarityMetric(sPairs1, sPairs2)
Set sPairs1 = Nothing
Set sPairs2 = Nothing
End Function
Public Function strSimA(str1 As Variant, rRng As Range) As Variant
'Return an array of string similarity indexes for str1 vs every string in input range rRng
Dim sPairs1 As Collection
Dim sPairs2 As Collection
Dim arrOut As Variant
Dim l As Long, j As Long
Set sPairs1 = New Collection
WordLetterPairs CStr(str1), sPairs1
l = rRng.Count
ReDim arrOut(1 To l)
For j = 1 To l
Set sPairs2 = New Collection
WordLetterPairs CStr(rRng(j)), sPairs2
arrOut(j) = SimilarityMetric(sPairs1, sPairs2)
Set sPairs2 = Nothing
Next j
strSimA = Application.Transpose(arrOut)
End Function
Public Function strSimLookup(str1 As Variant, rRng As Range, Optional returnType) As Variant
'Return either the best match or the index of the best match
'depending on returnTYype parameter) between str1 and strings in rRng)
' returnType = 0 or omitted: returns the best matching string
' returnType = 1 : returns the index of the best matching string
' returnType = 2 : returns the similarity metric
Dim sPairs1 As Collection
Dim sPairs2 As Collection
Dim metric, bestMetric As Double
Dim i, iBest As Long
Const RETURN_STRING As Integer = 0
Const RETURN_INDEX As Integer = 1
Const RETURN_METRIC As Integer = 2
If IsMissing(returnType) Then returnType = RETURN_STRING
Set sPairs1 = New Collection
WordLetterPairs CStr(str1), sPairs1
bestMetric = -1
iBest = -1
For i = 1 To rRng.Count
Set sPairs2 = New Collection
WordLetterPairs CStr(rRng(i)), sPairs2
metric = SimilarityMetric(sPairs1, sPairs2)
If metric > bestMetric Then
bestMetric = metric
iBest = i
End If
Set sPairs2 = Nothing
Next i
If iBest = -1 Then
strSimLookup = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
Select Case returnType
strSimLookup = CStr(rRng(iBest))
strSimLookup = iBest
Case Else
strSimLookup = bestMetric
End Select
End Function
Public Function strSim(str1 As String, str2 As String) As Variant
Dim ilen, iLen1, ilen2 As Integer
iLen1 = Len(str1)
ilen2 = Len(str2)
If iLen1 >= ilen2 Then ilen = ilen2 Else ilen = iLen1
strSim = stringSimilarity(Left(str1, ilen), Left(str2, ilen))
End Function
Sub WordLetterPairs(str As String, pairColl As Collection)
'Tokenize str into words, then add all letter pairs to pairColl
Dim Words() As String
Dim word, nPairs, pair As Integer
Words = Split(str)
If UBound(Words) < 0 Then
Set pairColl = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
For word = 0 To UBound(Words)
nPairs = Len(Words(word)) - 1
If nPairs > 0 Then
For pair = 1 To nPairs
pairColl.Add Mid(Words(word), pair, 2)
Next pair
End If
Next word
End Sub
Private Function SimilarityMetric(sPairs1 As Collection, sPairs2 As Collection) As Variant
'Helper function to calculate similarity metric given two collections of letter pairs.
'This function is designed to allow the pair collections to be set up separately as needed.
'NOTE: sPairs2 collection will be altered as pairs are removed; copy the collection
'if this is not the desired behavior.
'Also assumes that collections will be deallocated somewhere else
Dim Intersect As Double
Dim Union As Double
Dim i, j As Long
If sPairs1.Count = 0 Or sPairs2.Count = 0 Then
SimilarityMetric = CVErr(xlErrNA)
Exit Function
End If
Union = sPairs1.Count + sPairs2.Count
Intersect = 0
For i = 1 To sPairs1.Count
For j = 1 To sPairs2.Count
If StrComp(sPairs1(i), sPairs2(j)) = 0 Then
Intersect = Intersect + 1
sPairs2.Remove j
Exit For
End If
Next j
Next i
SimilarityMetric = (2 * Intersect) / Union
End Function
答案 6 :(得分:12)
对不起,答案不是作者发明的。这是众所周知的算法,其首先由Digital Equipment Corporation提出并且通常被称为搭迭。
答案 7 :(得分:9)
我将Simon White的算法翻译成PL / pgSQL。这是我的贡献。
<!-- language: lang-sql -->
create or replace function spt1.letterpairs(in p_str varchar)
returns varchar as
v_numpairs integer := length(p_str)-1;
v_pairs varchar[];
for i in 1 .. v_numpairs loop
v_pairs[i] := substr(p_str, i, 2);
end loop;
return v_pairs;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
create or replace function spt1.wordletterpairs(in p_str varchar)
returns varchar as
v_allpairs varchar[];
v_words varchar[];
v_pairsinword varchar[];
v_words := regexp_split_to_array(p_str, '[[:space:]]');
for i in 1 .. array_length(v_words, 1) loop
v_pairsinword := spt1.letterpairs(v_words[i]);
if v_pairsinword is not null then
for j in 1 .. array_length(v_pairsinword, 1) loop
v_allpairs := v_allpairs || v_pairsinword[j];
end loop;
end if;
end loop;
return v_allpairs;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
create or replace function spt1.arrayintersect(ANYARRAY, ANYARRAY)
returns anyarray as
select array(select unnest($1) intersect select unnest($2))
$$ language 'sql';
create or replace function spt1.comparestrings(in p_str1 varchar, in p_str2 varchar)
returns float as
v_pairs1 varchar[];
v_pairs2 varchar[];
v_intersection integer;
v_union integer;
v_pairs1 := wordletterpairs(upper(p_str1));
v_pairs2 := wordletterpairs(upper(p_str2));
v_union := array_length(v_pairs1, 1) + array_length(v_pairs2, 1);
v_intersection := array_length(arrayintersect(v_pairs1, v_pairs2), 1);
return (2.0 * v_intersection / v_union);
$$ language 'plpgsql';
答案 8 :(得分:9)
* @param $str
* @return mixed
private static function wordLetterPairs ($str)
$allPairs = array();
// Tokenize the string and put the tokens/words into an array
$words = explode(' ', $str);
// For each word
for ($w = 0; $w < count($words); $w ++) {
// Find the pairs of characters
$pairsInWord = self::letterPairs($words[$w]);
for ($p = 0; $p < count($pairsInWord); $p ++) {
$allPairs[$pairsInWord[$p]] = $pairsInWord[$p];
return array_values($allPairs);
* @param $str
* @return array
private static function letterPairs ($str)
$numPairs = mb_strlen($str) - 1;
$pairs = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $numPairs; $i ++) {
$pairs[$i] = mb_substr($str, $i, 2);
return $pairs;
* @param $str1
* @param $str2
* @return float
public static function compareStrings ($str1, $str2)
$pairs1 = self::wordLetterPairs(mb_strtolower($str1));
$pairs2 = self::wordLetterPairs(mb_strtolower($str2));
$union = count($pairs1) + count($pairs2);
$intersection = count(array_intersect($pairs1, $pairs2));
return (2.0 * $intersection) / $union;
对于我所拥有的数据(约2300次比较),Igal Alkon解决方案的运行时间为0.58秒,而我的运行时间为0.35秒。
答案 9 :(得分:9)
def pairDistance(s1: String, s2: String): Double = {
def strToPairs(s: String, acc: List[String]): List[String] = {
if (s.size < 2) acc
else strToPairs(s.drop(1),
if (s.take(2).contains(" ")) acc else acc ::: List(s.take(2)))
val lst1 = strToPairs(s1.toUpperCase, List())
val lst2 = strToPairs(s2.toUpperCase, List())
(2.0 * lst2.intersect(lst1).size) / (lst1.size + lst2.size)
答案 10 :(得分:8)
String Similarity Metrics包含字符串比较中使用的许多不同指标的概述(Wikipedia也有概述)。其中大部分指标都是在库simmetrics中实现的。
另一个度量标准示例(未包含在给定概述中)例如compression distance(尝试近似Kolmogorov's complexity),可用于比您提供的文本更长的文本。
您也可以考虑查看Natural Language Processing更广泛的主题。 These R套件可以让您快速入门(或者至少提供一些想法)。
最后一次编辑 - 在SO上搜索关于这个主题的其他问题,有很多相关问题。
答案 11 :(得分:6)
在C99中发布marzagao's answer,灵感来自these算法
double dice_match(const char *string1, const char *string2) {
//check fast cases
if (((string1 != NULL) && (string1[0] == '\0')) ||
((string2 != NULL) && (string2[0] == '\0'))) {
return 0;
if (string1 == string2) {
return 1;
size_t strlen1 = strlen(string1);
size_t strlen2 = strlen(string2);
if (strlen1 < 2 || strlen2 < 2) {
return 0;
size_t length1 = strlen1 - 1;
size_t length2 = strlen2 - 1;
double matches = 0;
int i = 0, j = 0;
//get bigrams and compare
while (i < length1 && j < length2) {
char a[3] = {string1[i], string1[i + 1], '\0'};
char b[3] = {string2[j], string2[j + 1], '\0'};
int cmp = strcmpi(a, b);
if (cmp == 0) {
matches += 2;
return matches / (length1 + length2);
某些测试基于original article:
#include <stdio.h>
void article_test1() {
char *string1 = "FRANCE";
char *string2 = "FRENCH";
printf("====%s====\n", __func__);
printf("%2.f%% == 40%%\n", dice_match(string1, string2) * 100);
void article_test2() {
printf("====%s====\n", __func__);
char *string = "Healed";
char *ss[] = {"Heard", "Healthy", "Help",
"Herded", "Sealed", "Sold"};
int correct[] = {44, 55, 25, 40, 80, 0};
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
printf("%2.f%% == %d%%\n", dice_match(string, ss[i]) * 100, correct[i]);
void multicase_test() {
char *string1 = "FRaNcE";
char *string2 = "fREnCh";
printf("====%s====\n", __func__);
printf("%2.f%% == 40%%\n", dice_match(string1, string2) * 100);
void gg_test() {
char *string1 = "GG";
char *string2 = "GGGGG";
printf("====%s====\n", __func__);
printf("%2.f%% != 100%%\n", dice_match(string1, string2) * 100);
int main() {
return 0;
答案 12 :(得分:6)
get_bigrams <- function(str)
lstr = tolower(str)
bigramlst = list()
for(i in 1:(nchar(str)-1))
bigramlst[[i]] = substr(str, i, i+1)
str_similarity <- function(str1, str2)
pairs1 = get_bigrams(str1)
pairs2 = get_bigrams(str2)
unionlen = length(pairs1) + length(pairs2)
hit_count = 0
for(x in 1:length(pairs1)){
for(y in 1:length(pairs2)){
if (pairs1[[x]] == pairs2[[y]])
hit_count = hit_count + 1
return ((2.0 * hit_count) / unionlen)
答案 13 :(得分:5)
'Healed'.fuzzy('Sealed'); // returns true
'Healed'.fuzzy('Help'); // returns false
'Healed'.fuzzy('Help', 0.25); // returns true
'Healed'.fuzzy(['Sold', 'Herded', 'Heard', 'Help', 'Sealed', 'Healthy']);
// returns ["Sealed", "Healthy"]
'Healed'.fuzzy(['Sold', 'Herded', 'Heard', 'Help', 'Sealed', 'Healthy'], 0);
// returns ["Sealed", "Healthy", "Heard", "Herded", "Help", "Sold"]
var default_floor = 0.5;
function pairs(str){
var pairs = []
, length = str.length - 1
, pair;
str = str.toLowerCase();
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
pair = str.substr(i, 2);
return pairs;
function similarity(pairs1, pairs2){
var union = pairs1.length + pairs2.length
, hits = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < pairs1.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < pairs1.length; j++){
if(pairs1[i] == pairs2[j]){
pairs2.splice(j--, 1);
return 2*hits/union || 0;
String.prototype.fuzzy = function(strings, floor){
var str1 = this
, pairs1 = pairs(this);
floor = typeof floor == 'number' ? floor : default_floor;
if(typeof(strings) == 'string'){
return str1.length > 1 && strings.length > 1 && similarity(pairs1, pairs(strings)) >= floor || str1.toLowerCase() == strings.toLowerCase();
}else if(strings instanceof Array){
var scores = {};
scores[str2] = str1.length > 1 ? similarity(pairs1, pairs(str2)) : 1*(str1.toLowerCase() == str2.toLowerCase());
return strings.filter(function(str){
return scores[str] >= floor;
}).sort(function(a, b){
return scores[b] - scores[a];
(function(){function g(a){var b=[],e=a.length-1,d;a=a.toLowerCase();for(var c=0;c<e;c++)d=a.substr(c,2),/\s/.test(d)||b.push(d);return b}function h(a,b){for(var e=a.length+b.length,d=0,c=0;c<a.length;c++)for(var f=0;f<a.length;f++)if(a[c]==b[f]){b.splice(f--,1);d++;break}return 2*d/e||0}String.prototype.fuzzy=function(a,b){var e=this,d=g(this);b="number"==typeof b?b:0.5;if("string"==typeof a)return 1<e.length&&1<a.length&&h(d,g(a))>=b||e.toLowerCase()==a.toLowerCase();if(a instanceof Array){var c={};a.map(function(a){c[a]=1<e.length?h(d,g(a)):1*(e.toLowerCase()==a.toLowerCase())});return a.filter(function(a){return c[a]>=b}).sort(function(a,b){return c[b]-c[a]})}}})();
答案 14 :(得分:5)
基于Michael La Voie令人敬畏的C#版本,根据要求使其成为扩展方法,这就是我想出的。这样做的主要好处是您可以按百分比匹配对通用列表进行排序。例如,假设您的对象中有一个名为“City”的字符串字段。用户搜索“Chester”并且您希望按匹配的降序返回结果。例如,你想要切斯特的文字比赛出现在罗切斯特之前。为此,请向对象添加两个新属性:
public string SearchText { get; set; }
public double PercentMatch
return City.ToUpper().PercentMatchTo(this.SearchText.ToUpper());
zipcodes = zipcodes.OrderByDescending(x => x.PercentMatch);
/// <summary>
/// This class implements string comparison algorithm
/// based on character pair similarity
/// Source: http://www.catalysoft.com/articles/StrikeAMatch.html
/// </summary>
public static double PercentMatchTo(this string str1, string str2)
List<string> pairs1 = WordLetterPairs(str1.ToUpper());
List<string> pairs2 = WordLetterPairs(str2.ToUpper());
int intersection = 0;
int union = pairs1.Count + pairs2.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < pairs1.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < pairs2.Count; j++)
if (pairs1[i] == pairs2[j])
pairs2.RemoveAt(j);//Must remove the match to prevent "GGGG" from appearing to match "GG" with 100% success
return (2.0 * intersection) / union;
/// <summary>
/// Gets all letter pairs for each
/// individual word in the string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static List<string> WordLetterPairs(string str)
List<string> AllPairs = new List<string>();
// Tokenize the string and put the tokens/words into an array
string[] Words = Regex.Split(str, @"\s");
// For each word
for (int w = 0; w < Words.Length; w++)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Words[w]))
// Find the pairs of characters
String[] PairsInWord = LetterPairs(Words[w]);
for (int p = 0; p < PairsInWord.Length; p++)
return AllPairs;
/// <summary>
/// Generates an array containing every
/// two consecutive letters in the input string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="str"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string[] LetterPairs(string str)
int numPairs = str.Length - 1;
string[] pairs = new string[numPairs];
for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++)
pairs[i] = str.Substring(i, 2);
return pairs;
答案 15 :(得分:2)
骰子系数算法(Simon White / marzagao的回答)是在Ruby中实现的 amatch gem中的pair_distance_similar方法
此gem还包含许多近似匹配和字符串比较算法的实现:Levenshtein编辑距离,卖方编辑距离,汉明距离,最长公共子序列长度,最长公共子串长度,对距离度量,Jaro -Winkler指标。
答案 16 :(得分:2)
Haskell版本 - 随意建议编辑,因为我没有做过很多Haskell。
import Data.Char
import Data.List
-- Convert a string into words, then get the pairs of words from that phrase
wordLetterPairs :: String -> [String]
wordLetterPairs s1 = concat $ map pairs $ words s1
-- Converts a String into a list of letter pairs.
pairs :: String -> [String]
pairs [] = []
pairs (x:[]) = []
pairs (x:ys) = [x, head ys]:(pairs ys)
-- Calculates the match rating for two strings
matchRating :: String -> String -> Double
matchRating s1 s2 = (numberOfMatches * 2) / totalLength
where pairsS1 = wordLetterPairs $ map toLower s1
pairsS2 = wordLetterPairs $ map toLower s2
numberOfMatches = fromIntegral $ length $ pairsS1 `intersect` pairsS2
totalLength = fromIntegral $ length pairsS1 + length pairsS2
答案 17 :(得分:1)
我正在寻找@ marzagao答案所指出的算法的纯ruby实现。不幸的是,@ marzagao表示的链接已被破坏。在@ s01ipsist的回答中,他指出了ruby gem amatch,其中实现不是纯粹的红宝石。所以我搜索了一下,发现了fuzzy_match,它在here处有纯粹的ruby实现(虽然这个gem使用amatch
答案 18 :(得分:1)
为什么不使用 JavaScript 实现,我还解释了算法。
和 French
function similarity(s1, s2) {
set1 = pairs(s1.toUpperCase()), // [ FR, RA, AN, NC, CE ]
set2 = pairs(s2.toUpperCase()), // [ FR, RE, EN, NC, CH ]
intersection = set1.filter(x => set2.includes(x)); // [ FR, NC ]
// Tips: Instead of `2` multiply by `200`, To get percentage.
return (intersection.length * 2) / (set1.length + set2.length);
function pairs(input) {
const tokenized = [];
for (let i = 0; i < input.length - 1; i++)
tokenized.push(input.substring(i, 2 + i));
return tokenized;
console.log(similarity("FRANCE", "FRENCH"));
来自同一个原始 source。
答案 19 :(得分:1)
Here is another version of Similarity based in Sørensen–Dice index (marzagao's answer), this one written in C++11:
* Similarity based in Sørensen–Dice index.
* Returns the Similarity between _str1 and _str2.
double similarity_sorensen_dice(const std::string& _str1, const std::string& _str2) {
// Base case: if some string is empty.
if (_str1.empty() || _str2.empty()) {
return 1.0;
auto str1 = upper_string(_str1);
auto str2 = upper_string(_str2);
// Base case: if the strings are equals.
if (str1 == str2) {
return 0.0;
// Base case: if some string does not have bigrams.
if (str1.size() < 2 || str2.size() < 2) {
return 1.0;
// Extract bigrams from str1
auto num_pairs1 = str1.size() - 1;
std::unordered_set<std::string> str1_bigrams;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_pairs1; ++i) {
str1_bigrams.insert(str1.substr(i, 2));
// Extract bigrams from str2
auto num_pairs2 = str2.size() - 1;
std::unordered_set<std::string> str2_bigrams;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_pairs2; ++i) {
str2_bigrams.insert(str2.substr(i, 2));
// Find the intersection between the two sets.
int intersection = 0;
if (str1_bigrams.size() < str2_bigrams.size()) {
const auto it_e = str2_bigrams.end();
for (const auto& bigram : str1_bigrams) {
intersection += str2_bigrams.find(bigram) != it_e;
} else {
const auto it_e = str1_bigrams.end();
for (const auto& bigram : str2_bigrams) {
intersection += str1_bigrams.find(bigram) != it_e;
// Returns similarity coefficient.
return (2.0 * intersection) / (num_pairs1 + num_pairs2);
答案 20 :(得分:1)
function get_bigrams(string) {
// Takes a string and returns a list of bigrams
var s = string.toLowerCase();
var v = new Array(s.length-1);
for (i = 0; i< v.length; i++){
v[i] =s.slice(i,i+2);
return v;
function string_similarity(str1, str2){
Perform bigram comparison between two strings
and return a percentage match in decimal form
var pairs1 = get_bigrams(str1);
var pairs2 = get_bigrams(str2);
var union = pairs1.length + pairs2.length;
var hit_count = 0;
for (x in pairs1){
for (y in pairs2){
if (pairs1[x] == pairs2[y]){
return ((2.0 * hit_count) / union);
var w1 = 'Healed';
var word =['Heard','Healthy','Help','Herded','Sealed','Sold']
for (w2 in word){
console.log('Healed --- ' + word[w2])
答案 21 :(得分:1)
答案 22 :(得分:0)
**I've converted marzagao's answer to Java.**
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; //Add a apache commons jar in pom.xml
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
public class SimilarityComparator {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str0 = "Nischal";
String str1 = "Nischal";
double v = compareStrings(str0, str1);
System.out.println("Similarity betn " + str0 + " and " + str1 + " = " + v);
private static double compareStrings(String str1, String str2) {
List<String> pairs1 = wordLetterPairs(str1.toUpperCase());
List<String> pairs2 = wordLetterPairs(str2.toUpperCase());
int intersection = 0;
int union = pairs1.size() + pairs2.size();
for (String s : pairs1) {
for (int j = 0; j < pairs2.size(); j++) {
if (s.equals(pairs2.get(j))) {
return (2.0 * intersection) / union;
private static List<String> wordLetterPairs(String str) {
List<String> AllPairs = new ArrayList<>();
String[] Words = str.split("\\s");
for (String word : Words) {
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(word)) {
String[] PairsInWord = letterPairs(word);
Collections.addAll(AllPairs, PairsInWord);
return AllPairs;
private static String[] letterPairs(String str) {
int numPairs = str.length() - 1;
String[] pairs = new String[numPairs];
for (int i = 0; i < numPairs; i++) {
try {
pairs[i] = str.substring(i, i + 2);
} catch (Exception e) {
pairs[i] = str.substring(i, numPairs);
return pairs;