
时间:2009-03-17 03:24:40

标签: c#

我不明白netPay = grossPay - (fedtax withholding + social security tax withholding)的计算方法。我的计算在程序中是否正确?处理editedTax ??如果有人可以提供帮助,我会很感激。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication5
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string empName;
            string userInput;

            double netPay;
            double editedTax1;
            double grossPay;
            double editedTax2;
            double hrsWorked;
            double ovtWorked;
            double payRate;

            const double FED_TAX = .28;
            const double SS_TAX = 7.65;

            // step 1
            Console.WriteLine("       WEEKLY PAYROLL INFORMATION");

            // step 2
            Console.WriteLine("       --------------------------");

            // step 3
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter the employer's name: ");
            empName = Console.ReadLine();

            //step 4
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter the number of hours worked this week: ");
            userInput = Console.ReadLine();
            hrsWorked = Convert.ToDouble(userInput);

            // step 5
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter the number of OVERTIME HOURS worked this week: ");
            userInput = Console.ReadLine();
            ovtWorked = Convert.ToInt32(userInput);

            // step 6
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter employee's HOURLY PAY RATE: ");
            userInput = Console.ReadLine();
            payRate = Convert.ToDouble(userInput);

            // step 7
            grossPay = (hrsWorked * payRate + ovtWorked * 1.5 * payRate);

            // step 8
            editedTax1 = FED_TAX * grossPay;

            // step 9
            editedTax2 = SS_TAX * grossPay;

            // step 10
            netPay = editedTax1 + editedTax2 - grossPay;

            // step 11
            Console.WriteLine("\n\n       The weekly payroll information summary for: " + empName);

            Console.WriteLine("\n       Gross pay:                             {0:C2}    ", grossPay);

            // step 12
            Console.WriteLine("       Federal income taxes witheld:          {0:C2}      ", editedTax1);
            Console.WriteLine("       Social Security taxes witheld:         {0:C2}    ", editedTax2);
            Console.WriteLine("       Net Pay:                               {0:C2}", netPay);


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


netPay在代码中分配了相反的值 我没有看到任何语法错误或其他任何内容。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


答案 2 :(得分:0)



editedTax1 = FED_TAX * grossPay;

editedTax2 = SS_TAX * grossPay;

netPay = editedTax1 + editedTax2 - grossPay;


netPay = FED_TAX * grossPay + SS_TAX * grossPay - grossPay;


netPay = grossPay * (FED_TAX + SS_TAX - 1);



netPay = grossPay - (editedTax1 + editedTax2);


netPay = editedTax1 + editedTax2 - grossPay;


netPay = grossPay - (FED_TAX * grossPay + SS_TAX * grossPay);

netPay = grossPay * (1 - (FED_TAX + SS_TAX));



  1. 在计算中使用值时除以100,如:

    editedTax1 = (FED_TAX / 100) * grossPay;

  2. 将常量存储为十进制表示,而不是百分比,如:

    const double FED_TAX = .0028;

答案 3 :(得分:0)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication5
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const double FEDERAL_TAX_RATE= 0.28;
            const double SOCIAL_SECURITY_RATE = 0.0765;  // I am assuming the 7.65 was supposed to be 7.65%... therefore it should be 0.0765

            Console.WriteLine("       WEEKLY PAYROLL INFORMATION");
            Console.WriteLine("       --------------------------");
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter the employer's name: ");
            string empName = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter the number of hours worked this week: ");
            double hrsWorked = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter the number of OVERTIME HOURS worked this week: ");
            double ovtWorked = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("\n       Please enter employee's HOURLY PAY RATE: ");
            double payRate = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());
            double grossPay = CalculateGrossPay(hrsWorked, payRate, ovtWorked);
            double federalTaxWithheld = CalculateTax(grossPay, FEDERAL_TAX_RATE);
            double socialSecurityWithheld = CalculateTax(grossPay, SOCIAL_SECURITY_RATE);
            double netPay = CalculateNetPay(grossPay, federalTaxWithheld + socialSecurityWithheld);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n       The weekly payroll information summary for: " + empName);
            Console.WriteLine("\n       Gross pay:                             {0:C2}    ", grossPay);
            Console.WriteLine("       Federal income taxes witheld:          {0:C2}      ", federalTaxWithheld);
            Console.WriteLine("       Social Security taxes witheld:         {0:C2}    ", socialSecurityWithheld);
            Console.WriteLine("       Net Pay:                               {0:C2}", netPay);

            Console.ReadLine();  // You don't need this line if your running from the command line to begin with

        static double CalculateGrossPay(double HoursWorked, double PayRate, double OvertimeHoursWorked)
            return PayRate * (HoursWorked + 1.5 * OvertimeHoursWorked);

        static double CalculateTax(double GrossPay, double TaxRate) 
            return GrossPay * TaxRate;

        static double CalculateNetPay(double GrossPay, double TaxAmount)
            return GrossPay - TaxAmount;


  • 使用描述性变量名称。如果您发现自己在变量名后面添加了一个数字,那么它可能会以不同且更易读的方式完成!
  • 利用功能,它们将常见任务捆绑在一段代码中,并显着提高可读性。
  • 您可能需要为此代码添加一些exception handling或验证。例如,如果您不小心将-1传递到OverTimeHours
  • ,该怎么办?
