
时间:2011-06-29 12:50:58

标签: git branching-and-merging



git merge A B


git merge B A


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:46)

我们假设A是当前分支的严格direct child。然后假设B是严格的直接孩子

章鱼合并,processes heads given as arguments from left to right相对于树递增,但独立于索引成功而没有冲突,如果它试图申请B然后是A,但如果进行转换则会遇到冲突。

根据git-merge手册, MERGE STRATEGIES 部分:

   This resolves cases with more than two heads, but refuses to do a
   complex merge that needs manual resolution.


 ~                 $ git init testdir && cd testdir && echo "This is C" > myfile
 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/huitseeker/testdir/.git/

 ~/testdir         $ git add myfile && git commit -m "C" 
 [master (root-commit) f0c8c82] C
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 myfile

 ~/testdir(master) $ git checkout -b "A" && echo "This is A1" > myfile
 Switched to a new branch 'A'
 ~/testdir(A)      $ git commit -m "A1" myfile
 [A ac5b51c] A1
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

 ~/testdir(A)      $ git checkout -b "B" && echo "This is B1" >> myfile
 Switched to a new branch 'B'
 ~/testdir(B)      $ git commit -m "B1" myfile
 [B 5bc838c] B1
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

 ~/testdir(B)      $ git checkout master
 Switched to branch 'master'
 ~/testdir(master) $ git merge B A
 Fast-forwarding to: B
 Already up-to-date with A
 Merge made by octopus.
  myfile |    3 ++-
  1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

 ~/testdir(master) $ git reset --hard HEAD^^^
 HEAD is now at f0c8c82 C
 ~/testdir(master) $ git merge A B
 Fast-forwarding to: A
 Fast-forwarding to: B
 error: Entry 'myfile' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.
 Merge with strategy octopus failed.

 ~/testdir(master) $ cat myfile
 This is A1


 ~/testdir(master) $ git status
 # On branch master
 # Changes to be committed:
 #   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
 #  modified:   myfile


 ~/testdir(master) $ git reset --hard f0c8c82
 HEAD is now at f0c8c82 C     
 ~/testdir(master) $ git read-tree -u -m f0c8c82 ac5b51c
 ~/testdir(master) $ git read-tree -u -m f0c8c82 5bc838c
 error: Entry 'myfile' would be overwritten by merge. Cannot merge.

在另一个方向(merge B A),现在,如果再看一下merge-octopus的代码,它会尝试检测我们尝试添加的分支已经在树中(第二个{{1 } case循环)。实际上,在A的合并中,它看到ac5b51c(a.k.a. A的头部)是A和B的共同祖先,并且在不执行第二个for的情况下中止。



tl; dr:您希望章鱼合并分支能够触及不同的文件