
时间:2020-11-07 01:10:47

标签: python python-3.x while-loop



Original ticket price: $100
Is this item reduced?y
Is this item taxable?y
Here is your bill
Orginal Price $100.00
Reduced Price $25.00
Final Price $75.00
7% Sales Tax $5.25
Total amount due $80.25

Original ticket price: $75
Is this item reduced?y
Is this item taxable?n
Here is your bill
Orginal Price $75.00
Reduced Price $18.75
Final Price $56.25
7% Sales Tax $0.00
Total amount due $56.25

Total amount due is $136.50
# Enter constants for sale & salesTax
SALE = .25

# Enter the ticket price of the item
origPrice = float(input('Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $'))

# Is the item reduced? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine salePrice
reduced = input('Is this item reduced?')

if reduced == 'Y' or  reduced == 'y':
    salePrice = origPrice * SALE

elif reduced == 'N' or reduced == 'n':
    salePrice = 0.00

# Enter constant for finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice
finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice

# Is the item taxable? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine tax
taxable = input('Is this item taxable?')

if taxable == 'Y' or taxable == 'y':
    tax = finalPrice * SALES_TAX

elif taxable == 'N' or taxable == 'n':
    tax = 0.00

# Enter all Print Statements
print('Here is your bill')
print('Orginal Price $', format(origPrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('Reduced Price $', format(salePrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('Final Price $', format(finalPrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('7% Sales Tax $', format(tax, ',.2f'),sep='')
print('Total amount due $', format(finalPrice + tax, ',.2f'),sep='')

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

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  # Enter constants for sale & salesTax
SALE = .25
Order = []
while True:
  # Enter the ticket price of the item
  tmp = float(input('Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $'))
  if 0 == tmp:
    origPrice = tmp
  # Is the item reduced? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine salePrice
  reduced = input('Is this item reduced?')

  if reduced == 'Y' or  reduced == 'y':
      salePrice = origPrice * SALE

  elif reduced == 'N' or reduced == 'n':
      salePrice = 0.00

  # Enter constant for finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice
  finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice

  # Is the item taxable? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine tax
  taxable = input('Is this item taxable?')

  if taxable == 'Y' or taxable == 'y':
      tax = finalPrice * SALES_TAX

  elif taxable == 'N' or taxable == 'n':
      tax = 0.00

  result = (finalPrice + tax)
  Order.append(['Orginal Price ${0} '.format(origPrice, '.2f'), 'Reduced Price ${0} '.format(salePrice, '.2f'), 'Final Price ${0} '.format(finalPrice, '.2f'),
                '7% Sales Tax ${0} '.format(tax, '.2f'), 'Total amount due ${0} '.format(result, '.2f')])

# Enter all Print Statements
for i in Order: 


Senario One: OrgPrice: 100

答案 1 :(得分:0)

欢迎使用StackOverflow!从教授给您的示例输出中,您似乎需要使用中断条件将当前代码(不包括常量声明)包装在while True循环中,还需要添加另一个名为{{1}的变量}。每次添加新项目时,此变量都会更改。如果要应用更改,则应如下所示:



# Enter constants for sale & salesTax
SALE = .25

# Counter for the total amount of money from all items, this includes tax as well
totalAmountDue = 0

while True:
    # Enter the ticket price of the item
    origPrice = float(input('Original ticket price or 0 to quit: $'))

    # Breaks out of the loop once the user wants to quit
    if (origPrice == 0):

    # Is the item reduced? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine salePrice
    reduced = input('Is this item reduced?')

    if reduced == 'Y' or  reduced == 'y':
        salePrice = origPrice * SALE

    elif reduced == 'N' or reduced == 'n':
        salePrice = 0.00

    # Enter constant for finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice
    finalPrice = origPrice - salePrice

    # Is the item taxable? Y/y or N/n - use if/elif to determine tax
    taxable = input('Is this item taxable?')

    if taxable == 'Y' or taxable == 'y':
        tax = finalPrice * SALES_TAX

    elif taxable == 'N' or taxable == 'n':
        tax = 0.00

    # Adds the final price of this product to the total price of all items 
    totalAmountDue += finalPrice + tax

    # Enter all Print Statements
    print("Here's the breakdown for this item: ")
    print('Orginal Price $', format(origPrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
    print('Reduced Price $', format(salePrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
    print('Final Price $', format(finalPrice, ',.2f'),sep='')
    print('7% Sales Tax $', format(tax, ',.2f'),sep='')
    print('Total amount due $', format(finalPrice + tax, ',.2f'), "\n",sep='')

print("\nTotal amount due for all items: $", format(totalAmountDue, ',.2f'))
