
时间:2020-11-05 12:09:48

标签: google-sheets

尝试放弃Excel for Google表格。 我有一个空表,上面有一些彩色的单元格,需要用符号填充。目前,我使用此VBA脚本来完成这项工作:

Sub mark()
    Dim r      As Range
    Dim rCell  As Range

    Set r = Selection.Cells

    For Each rCell In r
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 10 Then rCell.Value = "×"
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3 Then rCell.Value = "×"
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 45 Then rCell.Value = "×"
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 1 Then rCell.Value = "×"
        If rCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 15 Then rCell.Value = "×"

End Sub


1 个答案:

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要实现此目的,您将必须使用Google Apps脚本。您可以通过导航Tools > Script Editor将Apps脚本项目附加到Google电子表格中。




  // An array containing the color codes you want to check
  const colors = ['#00ff00']; // Watch out, it's case sensitive 
  // A reference to the attached Spreadsheet
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('SheetName'); // Selecting the Worksheet we want to work with by name
  // Here we retrieve the color codes of the backgrounds of the range we want to check
  const range = ss.getDataRange().getBackgrounds(); // Here I select all the cells with data in them


.getBackgrounds()方法以array[row][column] -> "background-color-code"的形式返回多维数组。

  for (let i = 0; i<range.length; i++) {
    let row = range[i];
    // Let's loop through the row now
    for (let j = 0; j< row.length; j++) {
      let color = row[j];
      // If the background color code is among the ones we are checking we set the cell value to "x"
      if(colors.includes(color)) {
        // Javascript index notation is 0 based, Spreadsheet one though, starts from 1
        ss.getRange(i+1, j+1).setValue("x"); // Let's add 1 to our indexes to reference the correct cell with the .getRange(row, column) function



Google Apps Script Spreadsheet Service

Range Class

