由于缺少〜/ .kube / config,OC群集启动无法启动kube-apiserver

时间:2020-11-04 16:22:24

标签: ubuntu kubernetes openshift openshift-client-tools okd

我尝试在桌面上运行OKD(Ubuntu 18)。我遵循指示:https://opensource.com/article/18/11/local-okd-cluster-linuxsimilar)。

  1. 我已安装Docker:
$ docker version
 Version:           19.03.12
  1. 不安全的注册表:
$ sudo cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
    "insecure-registries" : [ "" ]
  1. 重新启动Docker守护进程:
$ docker info
Insecure Registries:
  1. 禁用的防火墙:
$ sudo ufw status
Status: inactive
  1. 下载的OKD客户端工具:


$ ./oc version
oc v3.11.0+0cbc58b
kubernetes v1.11.0+d4cacc0
features: Basic-Auth GSSAPI Kerberos SPNEGO
  1. 我尝试启动群集,但是失败。
$ ./oc cluster up
Getting a Docker client ...
Checking if image openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11 is available ...
Creating shared mount directory on the remote host ...
Determining server IP ...
Checking if OpenShift is already running ...
Checking for supported Docker version (=>1.22) ...
Checking if insecured registry is configured properly in Docker ...
Checking if required ports are available ...
Checking if OpenShift client is configured properly ...
Checking if image openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11 is available ...
Starting OpenShift using openshift/origin-control-plane:v3.11 ...
I1104 16:54:53.631254    6317 config.go:40] Running "create-master-config"
I1104 16:54:56.048019    6317 config.go:46] Running "create-node-config"
I1104 16:54:57.639381    6317 flags.go:30] Running "create-kubelet-flags"
I1104 16:54:58.559780    6317 run_kubelet.go:49] Running "start-kubelet"
I1104 16:54:58.862023    6317 run_self_hosted.go:181] Waiting for the kube-apiserver to be ready ...


E1104 16:59:58.864017    6317 run_self_hosted.go:571] API server error: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused ()
Error: timed out waiting for the condition

具有更高的日志记录级别(我知道我想刷新openshift.local.clusterup时必须删除--base-dir目录或通过oc cluster up):

$ ./oc cluster up --loglevel=5
I1104 17:07:50.991364   14512 run_self_hosted.go:181] Waiting for the kube-apiserver to be ready 
I1104 17:07:50.992053   14512 run_self_hosted.go:557] Server isn't healthy yet.  Waiting a little while. Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
I1104 17:07:51.992467   14512 run_self_hosted.go:557] Server isn't healthy yet.  Waiting a little while. Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
I1104 17:07:52.993484   14512 run_self_hosted.go:557] Server isn't healthy yet.  Waiting a little while. Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
I1104 17:08:10.992682   14512 run_self_hosted.go:557] Server isn't healthy yet.  Waiting a little while. Get net/http: TLS handshake timeout
error: unable to recognize "/namespace.yaml": Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
E1104 17:08:52.435348   14512 interface.go:34] Failed to install "openshift-service-cert-signer-operator": failed to install "openshift-service-cert-signer-operator": cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11; caused by: cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11
E1104 17:08:53.087022   14512 interface.go:34] Failed to install "kube-dns": failed to install "kube-dns": cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11; caused by: cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11
I1104 17:08:53.087047   14512 interface.go:41] Finished installing "kube-proxy" "kube-dns" "openshift-service-cert-signer-operator" "openshift-apiserver"
Error: [failed to install "kube-proxy": cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11; caused by: cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11, failed to install "openshift-apiserver": cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11; caused by: cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11, failed to install "openshift-service-cert-signer-operator": cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11; caused by: cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11, failed to install "kube-dns": cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11; caused by: cannot create container using image openshift/origin-cli:v3.11]


$ ./oc cluster status
Error: invalid configuration: Missing or incomplete configuration info.  Please login or point to an existing, complete config file:

  1. Via the command-line flag --config
  2. Via the KUBECONFIG environment variable
  3. In your home directory as ~/.kube/config

To view or setup config directly use the 'config' command.




$ cat ~/.kube/config
cat: /home/my-username/.kube/config: No such file or directory
$ ls ~/.kube/
ls: cannot access '/home/my-username/.kube/': No such file or directory

我知道oc cluster up应该创建~/.kube/config但就我而言,它不会创建。


$ ./kubectl version --client
error: no configuration has been provided
$ ./kubectl config view
apiVersion: v1
clusters: []
contexts: []
current-context: ""
kind: Config
preferences: {}
users: []

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



命令sudo iptables -L向我展示了许多规则,其中有四个:

Chain KUBE-SERVICES (1 references)
target     prot opt source               destination         
REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere           /* default/router:80-tcp has no endpoints */ tcp dpt:http reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere              /* default/docker-registry:5000-tcp has no endpoints */ tcp dpt:5000 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere           /* default/router:443-tcp has no endpoints */ tcp dpt:https reject-with icmp-port-unreachable
REJECT     tcp  --  anywhere           /* default/router:1936-tcp has no endpoints */ tcp dpt:1936 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable


sudo iptables -L --line-numbers
sudo iptables -D KUBE-SERVICES 1
sudo iptables -D KUBE-SERVICES 1
sudo iptables -D KUBE-SERVICES 1
sudo iptables -D KUBE-SERVICES 1


./oc cluster up之后,它开始并创建~/.kube/config

Server Information ...
OpenShift server started.

The server is accessible via web console at:

我想规则可以来自oc cluster up,而我刚开始运行一次却没有向"insecure-registries" : [ "" ]添加/etc/docker/daemon.json(我试图检查这是否是强制性的)