async def menuu(ctx):
#what reaction goes where menuu
menuu = discord.Embed(title="menuu", color=0x8d78d9)
menuu.add_field(name="Topics: ", value="React with <:oneone:772681764321099827>", inline=False)
menuu.add_field(name="Games: ", value="React with <:twotwo:772681764271423528>", inline=False)
menuu.add_field(name="Misc: ", value="React with <:threethree:772681763939024897>", inline=False)
menuu.set_footer(text=f"Ensure you drink some water today, you're doing so well {ctx.message.author}")
#topics menuu
topics = discord.Embed(title="Topics", color=0x8d78d9)
topics.add_field(name="`bl!topic`: ", value="Friend makers and ice breakers", inline=False)
topics.add_field(name="`bl!debate`: ", value="menuu not complete sorry haha")
topics.set_footer(text="Never forget to believe in yourself, because I do!")
#game menuu
games = discord.Embed(title="Games", color=0x8d78d9)
games.add_field(name="`nothing here`: ", value="Technically there is but still", inline=False)
games.set_footer(text="Eat some food, take a nap, good luck on the journey ahead")
#misc menuu
misc = discord.Embed(title="Misc", color=0x8d78d9)
misc.add_field(name="`miscmimscimc`: ", value="aeaeaeaeaeaeeae", inline=False)
misc.set_footer(text="You look lovely today, you're rocking this look")
msg = await ctx.send(embed=menuu)#send message
#add reactions things
await msg.add_reaction("<:oneone:772681764321099827>")
await msg.add_reaction("<:twotwo:772681764271423528>")
await msg.add_reaction("<:threethree:772681763939024897>")
await msg.add_reaction("<:stop:773054889685024768>")
def check(reaction, user):
return user == ctx.message.author and str(reaction.emoji) in ["<:oneone:772681764321099827>","<:twotwo:772681764271423528>","<:threethree:772681763939024897>"]
reaction, user = await client.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout=60, check=check)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "<:oneone:772681764321099827>":
await msg.edit(embed=topics)
await msg.remove_reaction("<:oneone:772681764321099827>", ctx.message.author)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "<:twotwo:772681764271423528>":
await msg.edit(embed=games)
await msg.remove_reaction("<:twotwo:772681764271423528>", ctx.message.author)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "<:threethree:772681763939024897>":
await msg.edit(embed=misc)
await msg.remove_reaction("<:threethree:772681763939024897>", ctx.message.author)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "<:stop:773054889685024768>":
await msg.edit(embed=menuu)
await msg.remove_reaction("<:stop:773054889685024768>", ctx.message.author)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Time has run out, message no work now")
答案 0 :(得分:1)
async def createbook(bot, ctx, title, pages, **kwargs):
header = kwargs.get("header", "") # String
results = kwargs.get("results", 0) # Int
pagenum = 1
def get_results():
results_min = (pagenum - 1) * 8 + 1
if pagenum == len(pages): results_max = results
else: results_max = pagenum * 8
return f"Showing {results_min} - {results_max} results out of {results}"
pagemax = len(pages)
if results:
header = get_results()
if len(pages) == 0: pagemax = 1
embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=f"{header}\n\n{pages[pagenum - 1]}", colour=0xF42F42)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Page {pagenum}/{pagemax}", icon_url=fboturl)
msg = await ctx.send(embed=embed)
await msg.add_reaction("⬅️")
await msg.add_reaction("➡")
def check(reaction, user):
return user == ctx.author and str(reaction.emoji) in ["⬅️", "➡"]
while True:
reaction, user = await bot.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout = 60, check=check)
await msg.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
if str(reaction.emoji) == "⬅️":
pagenum -= 1
if pagenum < 1: pagenum = len(pages)
elif str(reaction.emoji) == "➡":
pagenum += 1
if pagenum > len(pages): pagenum = 1
header = get_results() if results else header
if str(reaction.emoji) == "⬅️" or str(reaction.emoji) == "➡":
embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=f"{header}\n\n{pages[pagenum - 1]}", colour=0xF42F42)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Page {pagenum}/{len(pages)}", icon_url=fboturl)
await msg.edit(embed=embed)
header = get_results() if results else header
embed = discord.Embed(title="FBot Server Status", description=f"{header}\n\n{pages[pagenum - 1]}", colour=0xF42F42)
embed.set_footer(text=f"Request timed out", icon_url=fboturl)
await msg.edit(embed=embed)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
async def menuu(ctx):
#first just giving all the embeds a purpose and a place to exist
user = ctx.author
menuu = discord.Embed(title="Help Menuu", color=0x8d78d9)
menuu.add_field(name="How to navigate : ", value="```Use the arrow reactions below to navigate this menuu```", inline=False)
menuu.add_field(name="How to invite bot : ", value="```Use bl!invite to invite this bot and join our support server!```", inline=True)
menuu.set_footer(text=f"Ensure you drink some water today, you're doing so well {ctx.message.author}")
#topics menuu
topics = discord.Embed(title="Topics", color=0x8d78d9)
topics.add_field(name="bl!topic : ", value="```Friend makers and ice breakers```", inline=False)
topics.add_field(name="bl!debate : ", value="```Sends a debate topic (Trigger Warning: Some topics may trigger certain individuals. Please tread with caution when using this command)```", inline=False)
topics.add_field(name="bl!wyr : ", value="```Would you rather questions```", inline = False)
topics.add_field(name="bl!place : ", value="```So many places in the world, so little time```", inline = True)
topics.set_footer(text="Never forget to believe in yourself, because I do!")
#game menuu
games = discord.Embed(title="Games", color=0x8d78d9)
games.add_field(name=f"bl!powpow `@blitz` : ", value="```Who will win? You, or that person you mentioned?```", inline=False)
games.add_field(name=f"bl!battle `@blitz` : ", value="```Basically powpow but less work```", inline=True)
games.set_footer(text="Eat some food, take a nap, good luck on the journey ahead")
#pics menuu
pics = discord.Embed(title="Picture Things:tm:", color=0x8d78d9)
pics.add_field(name="bl!avatar `@blitz` : ", value="```Get the profile picture of the mentioned person```", inline=False)
pics.add_field(name="bl!hug `@blitz` : ", value="```Hugs, many hug gifs :)```", inline= True)
pics.add_field(name="bl!slap `@blitz` : ", value="```Slap whoever you want without the pain```", inline=False)
pics.set_footer(text="You look lovely today, you're rocking this look")
##send message##
msg = await ctx.send(embed=menuu)
pages = 1 #page it's currently on
left = "<a:totheleft:767541559440572427>" #left arrow reaction
right = "<a:totheright:767541574287884309>" #right arrow reaction
await msg.add_reaction(left) #add reaction to send menuu
await msg.add_reaction(right) #and again
def check(reaction, user): #checking if user is author and the reaction is either left or right (as defined earlier)
return user == ctx.author and str(reaction.emoji) in [left, right]
while True:
reaction, user = await client.wait_for("reaction_add", timeout = 120, check=check)
await msg.remove_reaction(reaction, user)
if str(reaction.emoji) == left:
pages = pages - 1
if pages < 1:
pages = 4 #if pages is less than 1, go straight to 4
if str(reaction.emoji) == right:
pages = pages + 1
if pages > 4:
pages = 1 #if pages is more than 4, go back to 1
#if this is the page number, edit so it's this embed instead
if pages == 1:
await msg.edit(embed=menuu)
elif pages == 2:
await msg.edit(embed=topics)
elif pages == 3:
await msg.edit(embed=games)
elif pages == 4:
await msg.edit(embed=pics)
except: #timeout error handling
embed = discord.Embed(title="Run command again to use", description="Have a good day {ctx.author.display_name}! `bl!menuu`")
await msg.edit(embed=embed)