
时间:2020-11-03 23:23:54

标签: excel vba pdf adobe

我在将签名添加到Adobe PDF时遇到一些问题。由于某种原因,我无法使用附加代码将数字身份证添加到PDF中。



Sub Prepare_PDF()

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim pdfPDDoc As New AcroPDDoc, oJS As Object, oFields, oAttachment As Object

Dim strFName As String

Dim strSignature As String

Dim strSignFName As String

Dim oParam As Parameter

strFName = "A:\Corporate\Data\Financial\YE2020\Utilities\Month 10\Journal Entries\Robert\PDF File\Cost Transfer - 70145173 - 0100771347.pdf"

'------- Add signature fields to PDF file----------

If pdfPDDoc.Open(strFName) Then

Set oJS = pdfPDDoc.GetJSObject

Set oFields = oJS.AddField("SignatureField1", "signature", 0, Array(200, 620, 450, 670))

'------- Save PDF file------------------

strFName = Left(strFName, Len(strFName) - 4) & "-signed.pdf"

pdfPDDoc.Save 1, strFName

End If


    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "In test" & vbCrLf & Err.Number & "--" & Err.Description

    Resume Exit_Proc

End Sub


Sub Prepare_PDF()

On Error GoTo Err_Handler

Dim pdfPDDoc As New AcroPDDoc, oJS As Object, oFields, oAttachment As Object

Dim strFName As String

Dim strSignature As String

Dim oPpklite As Object

Dim strSignFName As String

Dim oParam As Parameter

strFName = "A:\Corporate\Data\Financial\YE2020\Utilities\Month 10\Journal Entries\Robert\PDF File\Cost Transfer - 70145173 - 0100771347.pdf"

strSignature = "C:\Users\hanlonr\OneDrive - Aecon\Desktop\RobertHanlon.pfx"

'------- Add signature fields to PDF file----------

If pdfPDDoc.Open(strFName) Then

Set oJS = pdfPDDoc.GetJSObject

Set oFields = oJS.AddField("SignatureField1", "signature", 0, Array(200, 620, 450, 670))

Set oSign = oJS.GetField("SignatureField1")

Set oPpklite = oJS.security.getHandler("Adobe.PPKLite", True)
      oPpklite.login "{'Password', '" & strSignature & "'}"
      oSign.signatureSign oPpklite

'------- Save PDF file------------------

strFName = Left(strFName, Len(strFName) - 4) & "-signed.pdf"

pdfPDDoc.Save 1, strFName

End If


    Exit Sub


    MsgBox "In test" & vbCrLf & Err.Number & "--" & Err.Description

    Resume Exit_Proc

End Sub

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