从Outlook(Office 365)帐户读取/检索电子邮件

时间:2020-10-30 11:14:28

标签: c# outlook office365

我设置了Outlook Office 365帐户,我想从Outlook邮箱中检索电子邮件,之前我们在代码中使用Exchange Service,但是由于EWS他不再使用Exchange Service,现在我们不再使用Exchange Service在Microsoft中可用。

请帮助我如何在Outlook Office 365帐户中检索电子邮件。


在下面的代码中,我尝试通过IMAP4协议服务器检索电子邮件。 运行代码时,出现此错误-ReceiveOutlookMail.exe已退出,代码为0(0x0)。

class Program
    // Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time
    static string _generateFileName(int sequence)
        DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime.Now;
        return string.Format("{0}-{1:000}-{2:000}.eml",
            currentDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", new CultureInfo("en-US")),

    static void Main(string[] args)
            // Create a folder named "inbox" under current directory
            // to save the email retrieved.
            string localInbox = string.Format("{0}\\inbox", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            // If the folder is not existed, create it.
            if (!Directory.Exists(localInbox))

            // Hotmail/MSN IMAP4 server is "imap-mail.outlook.com"
            //MailServer oServer = new MailServer("imap-server-name",
             //   "liveid@hotmail.com", "yourpassword", ServerProtocol.Imap4);

            // For office 365 user, please change server to:
            MailServer oServer = new MailServer("imap-server-name",
                "test@gmail.com", "password", ServerProtocol.Imap4);

            // Enable SSL connection.
            oServer.SSLConnection = true;

            // Set 993 SSL port
            oServer.Port = 993;

            MailClient oClient = new MailClient("TryIt");

            // retrieve unread/new email only
            oClient.GetMailInfosParam.GetMailInfosOptions = GetMailInfosOptionType.NewOnly;

            MailInfo[] infos = oClient.GetMailInfos();
            Console.WriteLine("Total {0} unread email(s)\r\n", infos.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
                MailInfo info = infos[i];
                Console.WriteLine("Index: {0}; Size: {1}; UIDL: {2}",
                    info.Index, info.Size, info.UIDL);

                // Receive email from IMAP4 server
                Mail oMail = oClient.GetMail(info);

                Console.WriteLine("From: {0}", oMail.From.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}\r\n", oMail.Subject);

                // Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time.
                string fileName = _generateFileName(i + 1);
                string fullPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}", localInbox, fileName);

                // Save email to local disk
                oMail.SaveAs(fullPath, true);

                // mark unread email as read, next time this email won't be retrieved again
                if (!info.Read)
                    oClient.MarkAsRead(info, true);

                // if you don't want to leave a copy on server, please use
                // oClient.Delete(info);
                // instead of MarkAsRead

            // Quit and expunge emails marked as deleted from IMAP4 server.
        catch (Exception ep)


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