当a和b都小于c但a * b溢出时,如何计算a * b / c?

时间:2020-10-28 07:51:49

标签: c integer integer-overflow integer-arithmetic


uint func(uint a, uint b, uint c);

需要返回近似的a * b / c


因此我们可以肯定地知道a * b / c的值将适合uint

但是,a * b本身的值溢出了uint的大小。

因此,计算a * b / c的值的一种方法是:

return a / c * b;


if (a > b)
    return a / c * b;
return b / c * a;



我需要按比例减少a * bc,但同样-问题是a * b溢出。


  • a * b替换为uint(-1)
  • c替换为uint(-1) / a / b * c

但是无论我如何对表达式uint(-1) / a / b * c进行排序,都会遇到问题:

  • uint(-1) / a / b * c由于uint(-1) / a / b被截断为零
  • uint(-1) / a * c / b由于uint(-1) / a * c溢出
  • uint(-1) * c / a / b由于uint(-1) * c溢出

我如何解决这种情况才能找到a * b / c的良好近似值?









4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

需要返回a * b / c的良好近似值

this 32-bit problem上的变化:

Algorithm: Scale a, b to not overflow

SQRT_MAX_P1 as a compile time constant of sqrt(uint_MAX + 1)
sh = 0;
if (c >= SQRT_MAX_P1) {
  while (|a| >= SQRT_MAX_P1) a/=2, sh++
  while (|b| >= SQRT_MAX_P1) b/=2, sh++
  while (|c| >= SQRT_MAX_P1) c/=2, sh--
result = a*b/c

shift result by sh.




#include <inttypes.h>

#define IMAX_BITS(m) ((m)/((m)%255+1) / 255%255*8 + 7-86/((m)%255+12))
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/4589384/2410359

#define SQRT_UINTMAX_P1 (((uintmax_t)1ull) << (UINTMAX_WIDTH/2))

uintmax_t muldiv_about(uintmax_t a, uintmax_t b, uintmax_t c) {
  int shift = 0;
  if (c > SQRT_UINTMAX_P1) {
    while (a >= SQRT_UINTMAX_P1) {
      a /= 2; shift++;
    while (b >= SQRT_UINTMAX_P1) {
      b /= 2; shift++;
    while (c >= SQRT_UINTMAX_P1) {
      c /= 2; shift--;
  uintmax_t r = a * b / c;
  if (shift > 0) r <<= shift;
  if (shift < 0) r >>= shift;
  return r;

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
  uintmax_t a = 12345678;
  uintmax_t b = 4235266395;
  uintmax_t c = 4235266396;
  uintmax_t r = muldiv_about(a,b,c);
  printf("%ju\n", r);





答案 1 :(得分:1)




uint32_t bp(uint32_t a) {
  uint32_t b = 0;
  while (a!=0)
    a >>= 1;
  return b;

int mul_no_ovf(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
  return ((bp(a) + bp(b)) <= 32);

uint32_t f(uint32_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t c)
  if (mul_no_ovf(a, b))
    return (a*b) / c;

  uint32_t m = c / b;
  uint32_t x = m*b - c;
  // So m * b == c + x where x < b and m >= 2

  uint32_t n = a/m;
  uint32_t r = a % m;
  // So a*b == n * (c + x) + r*b == n*c + n*x + r*b where r*b < c

  // Approximation: get rid of the r*b part
  uint32_t res = n;
  if (r*b > c/2) ++res;

  return res + f(n, x, c);


The multiplication a * b can be written as a sum of b

a * b = b + b + .... + b

Since b < c we can take a number m of these b so that (m-1)*b < c <= m*b, like

(b + b + ... + b) + (b + b + ... + b) + .... + b + b + b
\---------------/   \---------------/ +        \-------/
       m*b        +        m*b        + .... +     r*b
            n times m*b

so we have

a*b = n*m*b + r*b

where r*b < c and m*b > c. Consequently, m*b is equal to c + x, so we have

a*b = n*(c + x) + r*b = n*c + n*x + r*b

Divide by c :

a*b/c = (n*c + n*x + r*b)/c = n + n*x/c + r*b/c

The values m, n, x, r can all be calculated from a, b and c without any loss of 
precision using integer division (/) and remainder (%).

The approximation is to look at r*b (which is less than c) and "add zero" when r*b<=c/2
and "add one" when r*b>c/2.

So now there are two possibilities:

1) a*b = n + n*x/c

2) a*b = (n + 1) + n*x/c

So the problem (i.e. calculating a*b/c) has been changed to the form

MULDIV(a1,b1,c) = NUMBER + MULDIV(a2,b2,c)

where a2,b2 is less than a1,b2. Consequently, recursion can be used until 
a2*b2 no longer overflows (and the calculation can be done directly).

答案 2 :(得分:0)


typedef unsigned long long uint;

typedef struct
    uint n;
    uint d;

uint func(uint a, uint b, uint c);
fraction reducedRatio(uint n, uint d, uint max);
fraction normalizedRatio(uint a, uint b, uint scale);
fraction accurateRatio(uint a, uint b, uint scale);
fraction toFraction(uint n, uint d);
uint roundDiv(uint n, uint d);

uint func(uint a, uint b, uint c)
    uint hi = a > b ? a : b;
    uint lo = a < b ? a : b;
    fraction f = reducedRatio(hi, c, (uint)(-1) / lo);
    return f.n * lo / f.d;

fraction reducedRatio(uint n, uint d, uint max)
    fraction f = toFraction(n, d);
    if (n > max || d > max)
        f = normalizedRatio(n, d, max);
    if (f.n != f.d)
        return f;
    return toFraction(1, 1);

fraction normalizedRatio(uint a, uint b, uint scale)
    if (a <= b)
        return accurateRatio(a, b, scale);
    fraction f = accurateRatio(b, a, scale);
    return toFraction(f.d, f.n);

fraction accurateRatio(uint a, uint b, uint scale)
    uint maxVal = (uint)(-1) / scale;
    if (a > maxVal)
        uint c = a / (maxVal + 1) + 1;
        a /= c; // we can now safely compute `a * scale`
        b /= c;
    if (a != b)
        uint n = a * scale;
        uint d = a + b; // can overflow
        if (d >= a) // no overflow in `a + b`
            uint x = roundDiv(n, d); // we can now safely compute `scale - x`
            uint y = scale - x;
            return toFraction(x, y);
        if (n < b - (b - a) / 2)
            return toFraction(0, scale); // `a * scale < (a + b) / 2 < MAXUINT256 < a + b`
        return toFraction(1, scale - 1); // `(a + b) / 2 < a * scale < MAXUINT256 < a + b`
    return toFraction(scale / 2, scale / 2); // allow reduction to `(1, 1)` in the calling function

fraction toFraction(uint n, uint d)
    fraction f = {n, d};
    return f;

uint roundDiv(uint n, uint d)
    return n / d + n % d / (d - d / 2);


#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    uint a = (uint)(-1) / 3;            // 0x5555555555555555
    uint b = (uint)(-1) / 2;            // 0x7fffffffffffffff
    uint c = (uint)(-1) / 1;            // 0xffffffffffffffff
    printf("0x%llx", func(a, b, c));    // 0x2aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    return 0;

答案 3 :(得分:-1)


uint gcd(uint a, uint b) 
    uint c;
    while (b) 
        a %= b;
        c = a;
        a = b;
        b = c;
    return a;

uint func(uint a, uint b, uint c)
    uint temp = gcd(a, c);
    a = a/temp;
    c = c/temp;

    temp = gcd(b, c);
    b = b/temp;
    c = c/temp;

    // Since you are sure the result will fit in the variable, you can simply
    // return the expression you wanted after having those terms canceled.
    return a * b / c;