
时间:2020-10-25 12:36:31

标签: c#

我要匹配长文本中的句子。我已经在下面做到了,但是问题出在example 1example 2中,您正在使用Contains()方法,它匹配单个字母和整个句子。

但是我只想匹配句子。因此,在example 2中,if语句应该失败,但是当前它返回true并击中Console.WriteLine()


string input = "how to make money. I love you. I want do make something";
string cleaned_input = input.Trim().ToLower().Replace(".", "");

// Example 1
if (cleaned_input.Contains("make something"))
    Console.WriteLine("Hit this if sentence match not a word or letter match");

// Example 2
if (cleaned_input.Contains("m"))
    Console.WriteLine("Hit this if sentence match not a word or letter match");

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我先转换long text into list of sentences,然后使用print (df_col.melt(id_vars=["SQ", "City", "Date"], var_name="LocationNo") .merge(df_row, how="left", on="LocationNo") .groupby(["SQ", "City","LocationType", "Date"])["value"].sum() .unstack("LocationType")) LocationType Class A Class B Class C SQ City Date 1 A 7-1-2020 77 49 68 7-2-2020 61 38 41 2 B 7-2-2020 41 36 54 方法


.NET Fiddle
