
时间:2020-10-25 06:38:16

标签: angular ionic-framework popup

enter image description here 代码中换行的字符转义不起作用,并且输入的标签在某处丢失了...我不确定如何创建自定义弹出窗口

let alert = this.alertCtrl.create({

      header: trip.name,

      subHeader: "Enter the number of slots\r\nPricing for the slots is " + trip.price + "\r\n" +

      "Slots remaining " + trip.slots + "\r\n"+ "Bookable slots " + (trip.slots*.1),

      inputs: [


          label: 'Slots',

          name: 'Slots',

          placeholder: 'Slots',

          type: 'number',

          value: this.tripvalues,

          max: Math.trunc((trip.slots*.1)),

          min: 1



      buttons: [


          text: 'Cancel',

          role: 'cancel',

          handler: data => {

            console.log('Cancel clicked');




          text: 'Login',

          handler: data => {






    (await alert).present();



enter image description here

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