Haskell IO递归(带有二叉树)

时间:2020-10-20 04:07:30

标签: haskell recursion io tree binary

我是Haskell的新手,到目前为止,我一直很喜欢它,但是我在IO的某些方面感到很挣扎。 我正在制作一种简单的“ Akinator”应用程序,但在理解如何使用IO递归修改二进制树时遇到了麻烦。 我有自己的数据类型:

data QA = P String | Q QA String QA   -- P representing person, Q representing a question
 deriving (Show, Read)

我们通过回答是或否来回答问题。是的将您带到左边,否的则将您带到右边。 但是,当我运行程序(到达一个人)时到达树的末端时,我希望能够通过添加另一个质量检查来修改树。 (如果找不到此人,我们会要求用户输入)


play :: QA -> IO QA

如何在递归过程中将QA数据类型转换为IO QA,并返回相同的QA(以IO格式),但是增加了Leaf / Branch?



play :: QA -> IO QA
play (P s) = do
   a <- yesNoQuestion ("Is ( " ++s ++" ) your person?")
   case a of
      True -> do
          putStrLn "I win omg so ez!"
          exitSuccess -- (to exit the application without modifying
                      -- dunno if this is a good solution)
      False -> do
        p <- question "Just curious: Who was your famous person?"
        n <- question "Give me a question for which the answer for this person is yes"
        return q -- (Here I want to return a new QA with an added question -- 
                 --and with a leaf representing a person)

play (Q qaY s qaN) = do
    a <- yesNoQuestion s
    case a of
        True -> do
            pY <- play qaY
            return pY -- (I want this to say (return Q pY s qaN) But this 
                      -- does not work 
          --  since all types aren't IO)
        False -> do
            pN <- play qaN
            return pN -- (Same as previous)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


            return (Q pY s qaN)

play (Q qaY s qaN) = do
    a <- yesNoQuestion s
    case a of
        True -> do
            pY <- play qaY
            return (Q pY s qaN)
        False -> do
            pN <- play qaN
            return (Q qaY s pN)