
时间:2020-10-19 18:48:48

标签: javascript

我正在尝试用'denied'一词替换一个子串。例如:如果原始字符串为“ abcdefg”,而要替换的子字符串为“ bcd”,则预期输出为“ a DENIED efg”。


function replacer (variable, replace) {
    for (let a = variable.length - 1; a >=0; a--) {
        for (let b = replace.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
            if (replace[b] === variable[a]) {



let stringToReturn = original;
  for (let a = toDelete.length - 1; a >= 0; a--) {
    for (let b = original.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) {
      if (original[b] === toDelete[a]) {
           stringToReturn = stringToReturn.substring(0, b) + stringToReturn.substring(b + 1, stringToReturn.length);   
          } else {

但是这次,我不必删除一个字符,而是找到一个子字符串替换为 DENIED 。我对代码风格表示歉意。

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


function replace(full, partial, placeholder) {
  for (let i = 0; i <= full.length - partial.length; i++) {
    const current = full.substring(i, i + partial.length);
    if (current === partial) {
      const prefix = full.substring(0, i);
      const suffix = full.substring(i + partial.length);
      return `${prefix}${placeholder}${suffix}`;

const ans = replace('abcdefghij', 'def', 'DENIED');


function replaceAll(full, partial, placeholder) {
  let tmp = full;
  for (let i = 0; i <= tmp.length - partial.length; i++) {
    const current = tmp.substring(i, i + partial.length);
    if (current === partial) {
      const prefix = tmp.substring(0, i);
      const suffix = tmp.substring(i + partial.length);
      tmp = `${prefix}${placeholder}${suffix}`;
      i += placeholder.length;
  return tmp;

const ans = replaceAll('abcdefghijdef', 'def', 'DENIED');

答案 1 :(得分:1)

const source = "abcdefg";
const target = "bcd";
const replacer = "DENIED";

const replace = (source, target, replacer) => {
  const position = source.indexOf(target);
  if(position === -1) return source;
  let output = source.substr(0, position)
  output += replacer
  output += source.substr(position + target.length);
  return output

const replaceAll = (source, target, replacer) => {
     let output = source;
       output = replace(output, target, replacer)
     while(output !== replace(output, target, replacer))
     return output;

console.log(replace(source, target, replacer))


const replaceAll = (source, target, replacer) => {
  return source.split(target).join(replacer)

答案 2 :(得分:1)


const replaceword = "DENIED";
const testword = "abcdef";
const testword2 = "abcdefdexyz";
const testword3 = "hello I don't have the sub";
//function takes a word parameter - the word to do a replace on
//and sub parameter of what to replace
//and replacement parameter of what to replace the substring with
//replaceall is a boolean as to whether to do a full replace or singular
function replace(word, sub, replacement, replaceall){
   replaceall = replaceall || false; //default to singular replace
   //Get the first index of the sub to replace
   const startOfReplace = word.indexOf(sub);
   //get the ending index of where the substring to be replaced ends
   const endOfReplace = startOfReplace + sub.length - 1;
   //variable to hold new word after replace
   let replacedWord = "";
   //If the substring is found do the replacement with the given replacement word
   if(startOfReplace > -1){
      for(let i = 0; i < word.length; i++){
         if(i == startOfReplace){
             replacedWord += replacement;
         }else if(i >= startOfReplace && i <= endOfReplace){
            replacedWord += word[i];
   }else{ //set the return to the passed in word as no replacement can be done
      replacedWord = word;
      return replacedWord;
   if(replaceall) //if boolean is true, recursively call function to replace all occurrences
      //recursive call if the word has the sub more than once
      return replace(replacedWord, sub, replacement);
     return replacedWord; //else do the singular replacement

console.log(replace(testword, "de", replaceword));
console.log(replace(testword2, "de", replaceword, true));
console.log(replace(testword3, "de", replaceword));