
时间:2020-10-18 20:51:12

标签: sorting racket insertion-sort

我正在尝试使用插入排序对(listof(strof Str Str))进行排序,但是我不知道如何从此处继续。首先,它必须按字母顺序按第一个字符串排序,然后按字母顺序按第二个字符串排序。 例如:

(list (list "produce" "apple")
    (list "seed" "rice")
    (list "dairy" "milk" )
    (list "seed" "pinto")
    (list "produce" "potato")
    (list "chips" "potato")
    (list "seed" "wheat")
    (list "produce" "banana")
    (list "dairy" "cheese")
    (list "chips" "banana")
    (list "produce" "peach")
    (list "seed" "lentil")
    (list "produce" "corn")
    (list "seed" "corn")) becomes

`(list (list "chips" "banana") (list "chips" "potato") (list "dairy" "cheese") (list "dairy" "kefir") (list "dairy" "milk")` (list "chips" "potato")  (list "dairy" "cheese") (list "dairy" "kefir") (list "dairy" "milk") (list "produce" "apple") (list "produce" "banana" (list "produce" "corn")(list "produce" "peach")(list "produce" "potato")(list "seed" "corn")(list "seed" "lentil")(list "seed" "pinto"))


(list ("chips" "potato") (list "chips" "banana") (list "dairy" "milk")(list "dairy" "cheese")(list "dairy" "kefir")(list "produce" "apple")(list "produce" "potato") (list "produce" "banana")(list "produce" "peach")(list "produce" "corn")(list "seed" "rice")(list "seed" "pinto")(list "seed" "wheat")(list "seed" "lentil")(list "seed" "corn"))


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


(define (sort-items lst)
    (sort lst string<? #:key
        (lambda (n)
            (string-append (car n) (cadr n)))))

答案 1 :(得分:0)

@Lahiru的回答很好。 我显示了另一个版本。

import org.jsoup.Connection;
import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.select.Elements;
import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class CpuWorld {

    public static final String CPU_WORLD_COM_URL = "https://www.cpu-world.com/info/AMD/AMD_A4-Series.html";

    public static final String SCRAMBLED_DATA_HEADER = "<!--\r\nfunction JSC_Process () {var bk,xg,qh,k,aj,y,e,cq,u,a,ei;\r\na=\"";
    public static final String SCRAMBLED_DATA_FOOTER = "//- qh=[\"\"];k=[2];cq=[7600];if (CW_AB){if\t((AB_v!='0')&&(AB_v!='X')&&(AB_Gl((AB_v=='')?99:3)==3)){y=1;AB_cb=function(){JSC_Process();};}else{y=2;}}for(aj=e=0;aj<k.length;aj++){ei=cq[aj];bk=qh[aj];if (!bk) bk=\"JSc_\"+aj;u=CW_E(bk);if (u){bk=\" jsc_a\";if (y>=k[aj]){xg=a.substr(e,ei);xg=xg.replace(/(.)(.)/g,\"$2$1\");u.innerHTML=xg.replace(/\\\\n/g,\"\\n\");bk='';}u.className=u.className.replace(/(^| )jsc_\\w+$/,bk);}e+=ei;}}JSC_Process();";

    private static RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
        Document tableData = getTableData(CPU_WORLD_COM_URL);

        List<String> fullUrls = tableData.select("table tr td:contains(a) a").stream()
                .map(e -> "https://www.cpu-world.com/" + e.attr("href"))

        List<String> fullModels = tableData.select("table tr td:contains(a) a").stream()
                .map(e -> e.text())

        for (int i=0; i< fullUrls.size(); i++) {
            System.out.println(fullModels.get(i) + " : " + fullUrls.get(i));

    private static Document getTableData(String url) {
        Connection.Response response = null;
        try {
            response = Jsoup

        } catch (IOException e) {
        Elements script = Jsoup.parse(response.body()).select("script");

        // take substring of the child node from after the header and before the footer (- 6 more chars which seem dynamic)
        // The script tag containing JSC_Process is the one with the data in (but all mangled).
        Optional<String> scrambledData = script.stream()
                .filter(element -> element.data().contains("JSC_Process"))
                .map(node -> node.data().substring(SCRAMBLED_DATA_HEADER.length(), (node.data().length() - SCRAMBLED_DATA_FOOTER.length()-6)))

        String tableData = Unscrambler.unscramble(scrambledData.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("scrambled data not found in relevant script tag")));

        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(tableData);
        return doc;

    private static boolean isNotEmptyString(Element node) {
        return node.data() != null && !node.data().equals("");

    * trick server into thinking we're not a bot
    * by telling the server we were referred by the server itself
    * and give tell it we're using a Mozilla/Safari browser
    private static Map<String, String> getHeaders() {
        Map<String, String> headersMap = new HashMap<>();
        headersMap.put("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 Safari/537.36");
        headersMap.put("Referer", CPU_WORLD_COM_URL);
        return headersMap;

class Unscrambler {

    public static final String SCRAMBLED_DATA_HEADER = "<!--\r\nfunction JSC_Process () {var bk,xg,qh,k,aj,y,e,cq,u,a,ei;\r\na=\"";
    public static final String SCRAMBLED_DATA_FOOTER = "qh=[\"\"];k=[2];cq=[7600];if (CW_AB){if\t((AB_v!='0')&&(AB_v!='X')&&(AB_Gl((AB_v=='')?99:3)==3)){y=1;AB_cb=function(){JSC_Process();};}else{y=2;}}for(aj=e=0;aj<k.length;aj++){ei=cq[aj];bk=qh[aj];if (!bk) bk=\"JSc_\"+aj;u=CW_E(bk);if (u){bk=\" jsc_a\";if (y>=k[aj]){xg=a.substr(e,ei);xg=xg.replace(/(.)(.)/g,\"$2$1\");u.innerHTML=xg.replace(/\\\\n/g,\"\\n\");bk='';}u.className=u.className.replace(/(^| )jsc_\\w+$/,bk);}e+=ei;}}JSC_Process();";

    public static String unscramble(String data) {
        String a=data.replace("\\\"","'")
                .replace("\\\\", "\\")
                .replace("\\r", "")
                .replace("\\n", "")
                .replace("\"+\r\n\"", ""); // remove gunk that mucks up processing in java
        StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
        int e = 0;
        int ei = 2;

        // This is effectively what the code in the footer is doing. Heavily un-obfuscated below.
        // swap two chars around - through
        for (int aj=0; aj < a.length()-2; aj+=2) {
            String xg = a.substring(e, ei);
            buffer.append(xg.substring(1,2) + xg.substring(0,1));
        return buffer.toString().replace("\n","");