
时间:2020-10-16 03:37:12

标签: javascript jestjs jest-fetch-mock

在这里,我正在尝试为restPassword更新单元测试用例。在这种方法中,我以post()方法传递有效的文档和响应。我已经模拟了post并试图在运行此测试用例时检查expect(spyPost).toHaveBeenCalledWith(document.save()),但是由于no of calls: 0,测试用例失败了。


enter image description here


  resetSendPasscode = async (request: Request, response: Response, entityType: EntityType): Promise<void> => {
    tryCatch(async () => {
      // query parameter validation
      if (!request.query.email) {

      let model, emailKey, passwordResetKey;
      if (entityType === EntityType.User) {
        model = this.userModel;
        emailKey = 'user_email';
        passwordResetKey = 'user_password_reset';
      } else {
        model = this.vendorModel;
        emailKey = 'vendor_email';
        passwordResetKey = 'vendor_password_reset';

      // db validation
      const document = await model.findOne({ [emailKey]: request.query.email }, false);
      if (!document) {

      const changeRequest = (document as any)[passwordResetKey];

      // check if password request is made more than 3 attempts within 24 hours
      if (
        changeRequest &&
        changeRequest?.attempts >= 3 &&
        changeRequest.last_attempt_date &&
        this.passwordResetUtility.timeDiff(changeRequest.last_attempt_date as Date).getHours() <= 24
      ) {

      // create password reset token
      const reset = this.passwordResetUtility.createResetToken(changeRequest);

      // update datebase
      (document as any)[passwordResetKey] = reset;
      return post((document as Document).save())(response, [`${passwordResetKey}.status`]);


  static post = (funcCall: Promise<Document>) => async (response: Response, fields?: string[]) => {
    try {
      const dbResponse = await funcCall;
      success(pick(dbResponse, fields ? ['_id', ...fields] : ['_id']), 201)(response);
    } catch (error) {


    it('should call controller utility post method and pass promise of document save method.', async () => {
      // Preparing
      const request: Partial<Request> = {
        query: {
          email: 'user@1234.com',
      const date = new Date('2020-07-08T10:34:15.239Z');
      const mockFindOneReturn = {
        _id: '5f0076b7bd530928fc0c0285',
        user_no: 'USR00005',
        user_full_name: 'user',
        user_email: 'user@1234.com',
        user_password: '$2b$10$kGJrsrOmMqfwUYh25a0g.O/SDoD9GA0AF69iYlvysSlbTplAh8YBW',
        user_phone: '0123456785',
        user_visits: 1,
        user_permission_groups: ['5f0073c8bd530928fc0c0280'],
        user_created_date: '2020-07-08T10:34:15.239Z',
        user_status_is_active: true,
        user_password_reset: {
          password_reset_status_is_active: true,
          key: 1234,
          status: 'pending',
          attempts: 0,
          last_attempt_date: null,
          password_reset_created_date: date,
          password_reset_modified_date: '2020-07-08T10:34:15.239Z',

      const documents = {
        user_status_is_active: true,
        user_visits: 0,
        user_permission_groups: ['5f0073bcbd530928fc0c027f'],
        _id: '5f85229f30329929af2d78d4',
        user_full_name: 'sudharsan',
        user_email: 'sudhar922@gmail.com',
        user_phone: '9047060000',
        user_created_date: '2020-07-08T10:34:15.239Z',
        user_modified_date: '2020-10-13T06:17:56.456Z',
        user_no: 'USR00014',
        user_password_reset: {
          password_reset_status_is_active: true,
          key: 7314,
          status: 'pending',
          attempts: 0,
          last_attempt_date: null,
      const spyFindOne = jest.spyOn(userModel.getModel(), 'findOne').mockReturnValueOnce(mockFindOneReturn as any);
      const spyPost = jest.spyOn(ControllerUtility, 'post').mockImplementation(() => async () => {});
      const testModel = container.resolve(UserModel);
      const modelPrototype = testModel.getModel();
      const document = new modelPrototype(documents);
      // Verifying
      await userController.resetSendPasscode(request as Request, response as Response);
      expect(spyFindOne).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ user_email: 'user@1234.com' }, false);

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