遵循规则的react-hooks / exhaustive-deps会导致错误。并非所有依赖项都应该被监视?

时间:2020-10-15 19:47:20

标签: reactjs react-hooks eslint-plugin-react-hooks

我有一个可以通过两种方式触发的搜索组件。一种是由用户键入(反跳),另一种是通过按钮重试。 react-hooks/exhaustive-deps的建议实际上给我造成了一个错误,因为当我只希望第一个触发时,观看searchTerm会同时触发两种效果。我应该采取另一种方法吗?

export default function Search(props) {
  const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState('')
  const [retryCounter, setRetryCounter] = useRetryCounter() // number (int) of manual retries

  function search() { ... }

  const debouncedSearch = useRef(lodash.debounce(search, 300, { maxWait: 500 })).current

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [searchTerm, debouncedSearch])
  // when `searchTerm` changes, a user has typed into an <input />, so do a debounced search

  useEffect(() => {
    // i want to continue using the `searchTerm` provided by the user preivously
  }, [retryCounter])
  // if i add `searchTerm` as a dep, then BOTH useEffects fire, and `search` gets fired twice.
  // therefore, i explicitly want to ignore changes to `searchTerm` here

  return (
      <input value={searchTerm} onChange={e => setSearchTerm(e.target.value)} />
      <button onClick={setRetryCounter}>retry</button>

我还注意到了on the official discussion of this rule that @StevenMyers32's question was not addressed(他有一个codesandbox示例),他的示例似乎是一个类似的问题,即“如果我包括此依赖项,useEffect将错误触发”。

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