
时间:2020-10-15 13:10:13

标签: arrays c

我具有此任务/功能来确定记录中是否已经存在学生的姓名/全名。 每个输入/条目中的学生姓名都不得相同。也没有重复的记录。



int main(){

    char studentNames[50][50],names[50][50];
    int i,studentcount;

    printf("\nEnter number of students: ");
    for(int i=0; i<studentcount; i++){
        printf("\n[Student %d of %d]\n",i+1,studentcount);
        printf("Enter name of student %d: \n",i+1);
        scanf("%s", studentNames[i]);
    }//this is the student record initialize.

    /*assumed this is a function where it holds the data name to be searched

     names[i]= "spiderman" then in studentNames[i]="venom",studentNames[i]="harley",studentNames[i]="octopops",
        if i loop will it function like this? 
         the names[i]=spiderman  compare to studentnames[i]=venom then if not equal iterate to harley and so on. 
         That's what I really want to do with my searching but I really dont know how to do it because of my poor logic thinking.  
    for(int i=0; i<studentcount; i++){
       printf("\nEnter Student's Name to be search: ");
                   if (strcmp(studentNames[i],names[i]) == 0)
                                printf("Already exist.\n");
                                return 0;
                                printf("Not found\n");
                                return 1;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


char CompareStudent() {
  printf("\nEnter Student's Name to be search: ");
  char searchedname[100];
  scanf("%99s", searchedname);   // %99s instead of %s prevents buffer overflow
                                 // (not very important at your level)

  for (int i = 0; i < studentCount; i++) {
    if (strcmp(studentNames[i], searchedname) == 0) {
      printf("Already exists.\n");
      return 0;

  printf("Not found\n");
  return 1;


char CompareStudent() {
  printf("\nEnter Student's Name to be search: ");
  for (int i = 0; i < studentCount; i++) {
    scanf("%s", names[i]);                          // 1

    if (strcmp(studentNames[i], names[i]) == 0)
      printf("Already exist.\n");
      return 0;
    printf("Not found\n");                          // 2
    return 1;


  1. 您需要要求输入学生仅搜索一次,而不是每次循环搜索
  2. 这部分必须在循环之外。在您的代码中,如果学生不在数组的第一个元素中,我们将无条件返回1。