使用v-show时组件会重新渲染吗? VueJS

时间:2020-10-14 22:04:16

标签: vue.js vuejs2 vue-component

首先,我将解释我的问题以及我在做什么。 我正在编码一个表示表中单行的组件。该组件首先显示有关类别的信息(其名称,描述和ID)。我有一个“编辑”按钮,可以在其中编辑每个类别的名称和描述。 看起来像这样: enter image description here




问题是,当我保存更改然后检查输入是否正确时,它会重新呈现DOM(当我显示错误消息时),因此最初具有输入的值我不想要那。 这是组件的代码:

      <p v-if="isEditingCategory === false">
      <form class="field" v-show="isEditingCategory">
        <div class="control">
          <input  class="input"
            style="width: auto;">
        <p class="help is-danger" v-show="showHelpMessage">al menos 3 caracteres.</p>
      <!-- TODO. hacer un pipe para que muestre solo los primeros 10 caracteres. -->
      <p v-if="isEditingCategory === false">
        {{ category.description }}
      <form class="field" v-if="isEditingCategory">
        <div class="control">
          <input class="input" type="text" :value="category.description" ref="descriptionInput" style="width: auto;">
      <!-- Buttons... -->
      <button class="button is-info is-outlined" @click="onEditCategory">
      <span class="icon">
      <i class="fas fa-edit"></i>
      <button class="button is-success"
      <span class="icon">
      <i class="far fa-save"></i>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      isEditingCategory: false,
      isPostingChanges: false,
      category: {
        id: this.idCategory,
        name: this.categoryName,
        description: this.categoryDescription,
        index: this.arrayIndex
      showHelpMessage: false
  methods: {
    onSaveCategory() {
      this.showHelpMessage = false;
      const MIN_CHAR = 3;
      const categoryNameValue = this.$refs.categoryNameInput.value;
      const descriptionValue = this.$refs.descriptionInput.value;
      if (categoryNameValue.length >= MIN_CHAR) {
      } else {
        this.showHelpMessage = true;
    onEditCategory() {
      this.isEditingCategory = !this.isEditingCategory;
  props: ['idCategory', 'categoryName', 'categoryDescription', 'arrayIndex']

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 切换到编辑模式时,将prop值复制到本地副本,并使用v-model绑定到表单输入
  2. 点击保存时,请验证本地值
  3. 将值提交到服务器。这也是禁用输入,按钮等的好时机
  4. 成功后,使用新值向组件父级发送事件,然后关闭编辑模式
  5. 父级接收此事件并更新其数据。数据的更改通过行组件的props向下流动,并且值被更新


  <fieldset class="field" :disabled="isPostingChanges" v-if="isEditingCategory">
    <div class="control">
      <input class="input"
        style="width: auto;"
    <p class="help is-danger" v-show="showHelpMessage">al menos 3 caracteres.</p>
  <p v-else>
    {{ category.name }} <!-- ? display the prop value here -->
export default {
  props: { category: Object }, // just pass the entire category object as a prop
  data: () => ({
    isEditingCategory: false,
    isPostingChanges: false,
    showHelpMessage: false,
    categoryForm: null
  methods: {
    onEditCategory () {
      this.isEditingCategory = !this.isEditingCategory
      if (this.isEditingCategory) {
        // assign local copies from props
        this.categoryForm = { ...this.category }
    async onSaveCategory () {
      // do your validation against `this.categoryForm`, then if valid...

      this.isPostingChanges = true

      // now send to your server (this is all guesswork)
      const res = await fetch(`/api/categories/${this.category.id}`, {
        method: "PUT",
        headers: { "Content-type": "application/json" },
        body: JSON.stringify(this.categoryForm)
      this.isPostingChanges = false
      if (res.ok) {
        const updated = await res.json() // the updated values from the server
        this.isEditingCategory = false
        this.$emit("updated", updated) // emit the new values


  v-for="(category, index) in categories"
  @updated="updateCategory($event, index)"
methods: {
  updateCategory(category, index) {
    // remove the old category and replace it with the updated one
    this.categories.splice(index, 1, category)