触摸文件更新文件的日期/时间? (修改日期)(Windows XP批处理脚本)

时间:2011-06-21 21:17:05

标签: file datetime batch-file

要触摸文件以将其日期和时间更新为当前日期和时间的批处理脚本命令是什么? (修改日期)

例如,Joe Blow向我发送了一份他几个月前创建的文本文档,当他向我发送文档时,我想跟踪它从收到它之日起的时间(不是在创建它的时候),所以我想将文件的日期/时间更新为当前日期/时间。



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


Microsoft "touch"这是5年前的KB文章

它的主旨是你使用copy /b MYFILENAME +,,,其中MYFILENAME是你的文件

答案 1 :(得分:2)

这是对aflat's anwer的扩展。

1)Microsoft支持提供了解释和简单的touch.bat脚本。 2)我的自定义touch.cmd,它通过包含“touch /?”扩展了MS脚本。帮助文本。 3)我的自定义midastouch.cmd,它提供了几个选项,包括递归操作和日期操作。


copy /b FILENAME +,,

正如您所料,FILENAME可以包含相对或绝对路径以及* .txt之类的通配符。

<强> 1。 Microsoft 1 支持:


以下MS-DOS命令更新a的日期和时间戳   名为“EXAMPLE”的文件,而不更改文件的内容。这个   类似于XENIX和某些第三方中的TOUCH实用程序   MS-DOS工具包。


COPY命令可以在将文件连接到现有文件时   使用形式:


在此示例中,FILE2的内容被附加到FILE1,而FILE2保持不变。在此模式下复制时,COPY命令   切换到ASCII模式,其中^ Z(0x01A)文件结束标记是   荣幸。


因此,使用上面的命令,/ b强制执行COPY命令   二进制模式,文件名是要更新的文件,+(加号)   表示要附加文件,并且(逗号)是   其余参数的占位符(未包含在其中)   这个例子)。因为未指定要附加的文件,所以   COPY命令将不附加任何内容,仅更新时间和日期   邮票的文件。


以下批处理文件TOUCH.BAT可用于自动执行   过程:

@echo off    
if %1.==. goto end    
if not exist %1 goto end    
copy /b %1 +,, > nul    
echo %1 touched!    

此批处理文件需要一个参数,即“触摸”文件。如果   没有提供参数,第2行将导致批处理文件   退出而不做任何事情。如果指定的文件不存在,   第3行也会导致批处理文件退出。

<强> 2。 Touch.cmd

@echo off
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Process input parameter
:: -----------------------------------------

: Help requestes?
if "%1%"=="/?" goto help
if "%1%"=="?" goto help
if "%1%"=="" goto help

:: -----------------------------------------
:: Update Modified Date property to now
:: -----------------------------------------
if not exist %1% goto end    
copy /b %1% +,, > nul    
echo %1 touched!    
goto end


@echo off
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo :: Touch.cmd Help
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Touch.cmd is batch script to update the Modified Date property 
echo of teh specified file to the current
echo date and time.  
echo Syntax: touch filename
echo         where,
echo         filename is the name of the name of the file to "touch."
echo         filename may include a relative o full path.
echo         filename may include wild cards like *.txt.


第3。 MidasTouch.cmd

@echo off
:: -----------------------------------------
:: Find files older than specified date
:: -----------------------------------------

:: -----------------------------------------
:: Default Values
:: -----------------------------------------
set "default_path=%cd%"
set "default_err_log=%cd%\midastouch_err.log"
set /a default_date=-365
set "open_log=False"
set "recurse=True"

:: -----------------------------------------
:: Process input parameters 
:: -----------------------------------------

: Help requestes?
if "%1%"=="/?" goto help
if "%1%"=="?" goto help
if /I "%1%"=="help" goto help

set "dir_in="
set "err_log="
set "dd="

:: Read in commandline arguements.
echo Arguements:
    if "%1%"=="/p" (
        echo     Path: %2%
        set dir_in=%2%
        goto loop_bottom)
    if "%1%"=="/l" (
        echo     Error log: %2%
        set err_log=%2%
        goto loop_bottom)    
    if "%1%"=="/-l" (
        echo     No error log.  Output to console.
        set err_log=CON
        goto loop_bottom)    
    if "%1%"=="/d" (
        echo     Date: %2%
        set /a dd=%2% 
        goto loop_bottom)
    if "%1%"=="/o" (
        echo     Open log: True
        set "open_log=True"
        goto loop_bottom)
    if "%1%"=="/-o" (
        echo     Open log: False
        set "open_log=False"
        goto loop_bottom)
    if "%1%"=="/s" (
        echo     Recursive: True
        set "recurse=True"
        goto loop_bottom)
    if "%1%"=="/-s" (
        echo     Recursive: False
        set "recurse=False"
        goto loop_bottom)
    if not "%1%"=="" (
        if "%dir_in%"=="" (
            echo     Path: %1%
            set dir_in=%1%
            goto loop_bottom)
        if "%err_log%"=="" (
            echo     Error log: %1%
            set err_log=%1%
            goto loop_bottom)
        if "%dd%"=="" (
            echo     Date: %1%
            set /a dd=%1%
            goto loop_bottom)
if not "%1%"=="" goto arguement_loop

if "%dir_in%"=="" ( 
    set dir_in=%default_path%)
if "%err_log%"=="" ( 
    set err_log=%default_err_log%)
if "%dd%"=="" ( 
    set /a dd=%default_date%)

:: -----------------------------------------
:: Execution
:: -----------------------------------------

:: Write header
set "header=Touch_dir.cmd Error Log"
if exist %err_log% (
    del /q %err_log%)
@echo %header% >%err_log%

set cmd_str="cmd /c copy /b @path +,,"

:: Update Modified Date property to now
if /I "%recurse%"=="True" (
    set cmd_str=forfiles /s /p %dir_in% /d %dd% /c %cmd_str%
) else (
    set cmd_str=forfiles /p %dir_in% /d %dd% /c %cmd_str%
echo Command: %cmd_str% >>%err_log%
echo Errors: >>%err_log%
echo. >>%err_log%
echo Executing command: %cmd_str%
@echo Updating Modified Date of files older than date: %dd%.
@echo This may take a while.  Please be patient...
set cmd_str=%cmd_str% || @echo Failed to update: @path >>%err_log%"

:: Results
@echo Error log: %err_log% 
if "%open_log%"=="True" (start %err_log%)

goto end

@echo off
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo :: Touch_dir.cmd Help
echo :: --------------------------------------------------------------
echo Touch.cmd is batch script to recursively "touch" all files in a
echo folder to update their Modified Date property to the current
echo date and time.  
echo Syntax: touch_dir /d directory /l err_log /m months
echo         where,
echo         /p  path       Path containing files with Modified
echo                        Date values to update to now.
echo                        (default = current directory).
echo         /s  (or /-s)   Recursive (or not recursive) search 
echo                        (default recursive is %recurse%).
echo         /l  err_log    Error log: list of files not updated
echo                        (default err_log: midastouch_err.log).
echo         /o  (or /-o)   Open (or do not open) error log after 
echo                        execution (default open_log: %open_log%).
echo         /d  date       Selects files with a last modified date greater
echo                        than or equal to (+), or less than or equal to
echo                        (-), the specified date using the
echo                        "MM/dd/yyyy" format; or selects files with a
echo                        last modified date greater than or equal to (+)
echo                        the current date plus "dd" days, or less than or
echo                        equal to (-) the current date minus "dd" days. A
echo                        valid "dd" number of days can be any number in
echo                        the range of 0 - 32768.
echo                        "+" is taken as default sign if not specified.
echo                        (default date is: %default_date%).


答案 2 :(得分:0)


@echo off
goto start

exit /b 0

if %1.==. goto usage
if not exist %1 goto usage
copy /b %1 +,, > nul
echo %1 touched!
exit /b 0