MS Teams Bot删除命令后继续显示命令

时间:2020-10-09 19:00:06

标签: node.js azure botframework chatbot microsoft-teams

我有一个使用MS BotFramework编写的Node.Js机器人。我已经在本地测试并将其部署到Azure,可以在安装Teams App Studio生成的清单后在Web Chat中使用它,并且可以在Teams中使用它。但是,这是我的问题: Teams Commands



    "$schema": "",
    "manifestVersion": "1.7",
    "version": "1",
    "showLoadingIndicator": true,
    "id": "**<ID Omitted>**",
    "packageName": "botteamsadoption",
    "developer": {
        "name": "DPR Construction",
        "websiteUrl": "",
        "privacyUrl": "",
        "termsOfUseUrl": ""
    "icons": {
        "color": "color.png",
        "outline": "outline.png"
    "name": {
        "short": "ITService",
        "full": "ITService ChatBot"
    "description": {
        "short": "Chat Bot for IT Related Issues",
        "full": "This is the new Chat solution for ITService. Use this to speak directly to the IT Service Desk or obtain information about known issues."
    "accentColor": "#FEAE25",

    "bots": [
            "botId": "**<ID Omitted>**",
            "scopes": [
            "supportsFiles": true,
            "isNotificationOnly": false

    "composeExtensions": [
            "botId": "<**ID Omitted**",
            "canUpdateConfiguration": true,
            "commands": []
    "permissions": [
    "validDomains": []

关于如何使它们停止显示的任何想法?我已经创建了一个新清单...但是我怀疑问题是-我必须为Bot使用相同的Azure应用ID。 MS支持建议我删除我的Azure应用程序注册并创建一个新的注册,重新部署我的代码并创建一个新清单。目前这对我来说是不可能的,我希望有其他建议。

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