我在LazyVGrid中使用Swiftui OnDrag和OnDrop对视图进行重新排序,但是我发现拖动视图时,预览图像会更小,背景会像我发布的图像一样透明,如何解决此错误? / p>
LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 24) {
ForEach(widgets) { widget in
ZStack(alignment: .topLeading) {
.opacity(self.dragWidget?.id == widget.id ? 0.0001 : 1)
.frame(width: 300, height: 200)
mainUIState.edit = false
self.dragWidget = widget
return NSItemProvider(object: String(widget.id) as NSString)
.onDrop(of: [UTType.text], delegate: DragRelocateDelegate(item: widget, listData: $widgets, current: $dragWidget))
if isExclusiveLine(data: widget, list: widgets) { Color.clear }
struct DragRelocateDelegate: DropDelegate {
let item: Widget
@Binding var listData: [Widget]
@Binding var current: Widget?
func dropEntered(info: DropInfo) {
if item != current {
let from = listData.firstIndex(of: current!)!
let to = listData.firstIndex(of: item)!
if listData[to].id != current!.id {
listData.move(fromOffsets: IndexSet(integer: from),
toOffset: to > from ? to + 1 : to)
func dropUpdated(info: DropInfo) -> DropProposal? {
return DropProposal(operation: .move)
func performDrop(info: DropInfo) -> Bool {
self.current = nil
return true