
时间:2020-10-07 07:01:17

标签: typescript typescript-typings

我有一个检查对象是否为“普通对象”的函数-也就是说,它不是任何类的实例,是像let x = { a: 1 };那样初始化的对象,我想为此函数添加类型保护,到assert的值与interface ([key: string]: any)匹配。

由于某种原因,该函数不会缩小类型。可能是因为我定义的“普通对象”和任何[key: string]:都不是同一件事(例如,一个类的实例也可以匹配[key: string]: any)。不过,我希望我的isPlainObject()函数断言,如果成功,则该值匹配[key: string]: any)。



interface IndexedObject {
    [key: string]: any

interface FooObject {
    foo: "bar"

// This works - an example from the handbook
const isFooObject = (value: any): value is FooObject => (
    typeof value === 'object'
    && value !== null
    && typeof (value as FooObject).foo !== 'undefined'

 * Check if the value is a "plain" JavaScript object initialized
 * with { } (not instance of any class)
 * In addition to the runtime check, this function should assert that the 
 * argument matches IndexedObject interface
const isPlainObject = (value: any): value is IndexedObject => (
    typeof value === 'object'
    && value !== null
    && value.constructor === Object
    && Object.getPrototypeOf(value) === Object.prototype

function test<T>(value: T): T {

    if (isFooObject(value)) {
        const x = value; // T & FooObject - it works

    if (isPlainObject(value)) {
        const x = value; // T - doesn't work

    return value;





尽管如此,我仍然很好奇为什么类型保护器不起作用。另外,如果我在if块内部返回值,则在if块之后,该类型将永远不会-playground 2

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


function testTypeGuard<T>(value: unknown): value is T
    return true; // Lies

function genericFunction<T>(value: T)
    if (testTypeGuard<Record<string, any>>(value))
        console.log(value); // T
    if (testTypeGuard<Record<number, any>>(value))
        console.log(value); // T
    if (testTypeGuard<Record<any, string>>(value))
        console.log(value); // T & Record<any, string>
    if (testTypeGuard<Record<any, number>>(value))
        console.log(value); // T & Record<any, number>
    if (testTypeGuard<Record<string, string>>(value))
        console.log(value); // T & Record<string, string>
    if (testTypeGuard<Record<number, string>>(value))
        console.log(value); // T & Record<number, string>

// No generics:
const value: unknown = {};
if (testTypeGuard<Record<string, any>>(value))
    console.log(value); // Record<string, any>
if (testTypeGuard<Record<number, any>>(value))
    console.log(value); // Record<number, any>
if (testTypeGuard<Record<any, string>>(value))
    console.log(value); // Record<any, string>
if (testTypeGuard<Record<any, number>>(value))
    console.log(value); // Record<any, number>
if (testTypeGuard<Record<string, string>>(value))
    console.log(value); // Record<string, string>
if (testTypeGuard<Record<number, string>>(value))
    console.log(value); // Record<number, string>