
时间:2020-10-05 21:37:29

标签: typescript typescript2.0 typescript-types

我正在用Typescript构建Apollo GraphQL服务器,无法理解在类型系统中处理事物的正确方法。尽管GraphQL和Apollo是代码的一部分,但我特别想知道TypeScript部分。我也很难理解接口与类型的作用以及每种接口的最佳做法(例如,何时使用类型与接口,如何处理扩展等)。


type BankingAccount = {
  id: string;
  type: string;
  attributes: SpendingAccountAttributes | SavingsAccountAttributes

// I've realized this "SpendingAccountAttributes | SavingsAccountAttributes" is the wrong way
// to do what I'm trying to do. I essentially want to the tell the 
// type system that this can be one or the other. As I understand it, the way it is written
// will create a Union, returning only the fields that are shared between both types, in this
// case what is essentially in the `BankingAttributes` type. Is that correct?

interface BankingAttributes = {
  routingNumber: string;
  accountNumber: string;
  balance: number;
  fundsAvailable: number;

// Is it better to remove the `SpendingAccountAttributes` and `SavingsAccountAttribute` specific
// types and just leave them as optional types on the `BankingAttributes`. I will
// in time be creating a resolver for the `SpendingAccount` and `SavingAccount` as standalone
// queries so it seems useful to have them. Not sure though

interface SpendingAccountAttributes extends BankingAttributes {
  defaultPaymentCardId: string;
  defaultPaymentCardLastFour: string;
  accountFeatures: Record<string, unknown>;

interface SavingsAccountAttributes extends BankingAttributes {
  interestRate: number;
  interestRateYTD: number;

// Mixing types and interfaces seems messy. Which one should it be? And if "type", how can I
// extend the "BankingAttributes" to "SpendingAccountAttributes" to tell the type system that
// those should be a part of the SpendingAccount's attributes?

export default {
  Query: {
    bankingAccounts: async(_source: string, _args: [], { dataSources}: Record<string, any>) : Promise<[BankingAccount]> => {
      // The following makes a restful API to an `accounts` api route where we pass in the type as an `includes`, i.e. `api/v2/accounts?types[]=spending&types[]=savings
      const accounts = await.dataSources.api.getAccounts(['spending', 'savings'])

      const response = accounts.data.map((acc: BankingAccount) => {
        const { fundsAvailable, accountFeatures, ...other } = acc.attributes

        return {
          id: acc.id,
          type: acc.type,
          balanceAvailableForWithdrawal: fundsAvailable,
          // accountFeatures fails the compilation with the following error:
          // "accountFeatures does not exist on type 'SpendingAccountAttributes | SavingsAccountAttributes'
          // What's the best way to handle this so that I can pull the accountFeatures
          // for the spending account (which is the only type of account this attribute will be present for)?

      return response

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




一种选择是使用type guard检查其类型。


type CombinedAttributes = Partial<SpendingAccountAttributes> & Partial<SavingsAccountAttributes>


interface BankingAccount = {
  id: string;
  type: string;
  attributes: (SpendingAccountAttributes | SavingsAccountAttributes) & CombinedAttributes 



type BankingAccount = {
    id: string;
    attributes: CombinedAttributes;
} & ({
    type: "savings";
    attributes: SavingsAccountAtrributes;
} | {
    type: "spending";
    attributes: SpendingAccountAttributes;

function myFunc( account: BankingAccount ) {

    // interestRate might be undefined because we haven't narrowed the type
    const interestRate: number | undefined = account.attributes.interestRate;

    if ( account.type === "savings" ) {
        // interestRate is known to be a number on a savings account
        const rate: number = account.attributes.interestRate

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