在macOS上使用Octave 5.2.0运行脚本时出现分段错误。我的示例(可在octave范围内工作)或我运行脚本的方式有问题吗?还是macOS上Octave的错误?
octave BlackBody.m
fatal: caught signal Segmentation fault: 11 -- stopping myself...
[1] 95607 segmentation fault octave BlackBody.m
% simple model of the black body using MATLAB/Octave/Freemat
wavelength = 0.01:0.01:5.0; % microns sweep over a range of wavelengths
T = 5000; % temperature in kelvin
F = 3.742./ ((wavelength.^5).*(exp(1.439e4./(wavelength*T))-1)) ; % gives the result in W/m2/um x 1e8
xlabel('wavelength (\mum)'); % add axis labels and plot title
ylabel('spectral intensity (W/m^2/\mum) x 10^8');
title('Blackbody Radiation');
legend(sprintf('T = %.0f K',T));