
时间:2020-10-04 18:46:36

标签: python odeint


我收到错误:ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (50,) and (1,)。 因此,我假设当前正在尝试将Tg的一个值与A的50个值作图。为了解决这个问题,我尝试将Tg传递给odeint作为参数,但是收效甚微。如何在TgTfTk旁边绘制A

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# constants
Nk = 0.018 
Ng2 = 0.1389
p = 1.5
b = 0.02
ag = 60
k = 25
Hvap = 80000
cpg = 100
cpk = 600
cpf = 600
N0 = 0.158

def cond(x, A, Tg):
# states 
    Tf = x[0]
    Tk = x[1]
    Ng = x[2]
    Nf = x[3]
    Ng1 = x[4]    
# equations
    Ng = Ng2 + Ng1 
    y1f = np.exp(153.666 - 19622.441 / (273.15 + Tf) - 17.9729 * np.log(273.15 + Tf)) / 1000 / p
    y2f = 1 - y1f
    Tg = 1063.388 / (2.8369 - np.log10(Ng1 / Ng * 1.5))
    ng = Ng / ((Ng1 * 8.314 * (273.15 + Tg) + (Ng2 * 8.314 * (273.15 + Tg))) / (p * 10 ** 5))
    q = k * (Tf-Tk)
    y2b = 1 - Ng1 / Ng
    phi = ng * b * cpg / ag * np.log(y2f / y2b)
    n1 = ng * b * np.log(y2f / y2b)

    dTfdA = (ag * phi * (Hvap / cpg + (Tg - Tf) / (1 - np.exp(-phi))) - q) / ((N0-Ng) * cpf)
    dTkdA = 0.0 - q / (Nk * cpk)
    dNfdA = 0.0 - n1
    dNgdA = 0.0 - n1
    dNg1dA = 0.0 - n1
    return [dTfdA, dTkdA, dNfdA, dNgdA, dNg1dA]

### initial cond. ###
A = np.linspace(0,1.5)
x0 = [295,270,0.158,0.000000001,0.019]
x = odeint(cond,x0,A,args=(Tg,))

plt.ylim(30, 300)
plt.xlim(0, 1.25)
plt.xlabel("Fläche / m²")
plt.ylabel("Temperatur / °C")

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