clear all, close all, clc;
I = imread('294.jpg');
imageSize = size(I);
%initial values: c_row=400, col_min=1, col_max=800, row_max=800, row_min= 1, radius = 400, c_col= 400
c_row= 40; %center of circle row value. DON'T CHANGE
radius= 40; %radius of circle
StepSizeRow= 10;
StepSizeCol= 50;
c_col=50; %center of circle column value. CHANGE BY 120
col_min= c_col-radius+1; %column val left side of bounding box. CHANGE BY 120
col_max= c_col+radius; %column val right side of bounding box. CHANGE BY 120
[rows, cols, rgb]= size(I);
count = 0;
for j = c_col:StepSizeCol: cols-radius
row_min=c_row-radius+1; %row val top of bounding box. DON'T CHANGE
row_max=c_row+radius; %row val bottom of bounding box. DON'T CHANGE
for i= c_row:StepSizeRow:rows-radius
ci = [i, j, radius]; % center and radius of circle ([c_row, c_col, r]) og size (1920, 2560)
[xx,yy] = ndgrid((1:imageSize(1))-ci(1),(1:imageSize(2))-ci(2));
mask = uint8((xx.^2 + yy.^2)<ci(3)^2);
croppedImage = uint8(zeros(size(I)));
croppedImage(:,:,1) = I(:,:,1).*uint8(mask);
croppedImage(:,:,2) = I(:,:,2).*uint8(mask);
croppedImage(:,:,3) = I(:,:,3).*uint8(mask);
sp(1) = col_min; %min(floor(p(1)), floor(p(2))); %xmin
sp(2) = row_min; %min(floor(p(3)), floor(p(4))); %ymin
sp(3) = col_max; %max(ceil(p(1)), ceil(p(2))); %xmax
sp(4) = row_max; %max(ceil(p(3)), ceil(p(4))); %ymax
% Index into the original image to create the new image
MM = croppedImage(sp(2):sp(4), sp(1): sp(3),:);
%Display the subsetted image with appropriate axis ratio
count = count+1;
% figure;
% imshow(croppedImage)
% figure; image(MM); axis image;
FileName = fullfile('C:\Users\User\Desktop\Tensorflow\1cm 45deg circle cropped',sprintf('Cropped_Parallel_5x_20_400Radius_%d.jpg',count));
imwrite(MM, FileName)
col_max= col_max+StepSizeCol;
我在这里使用的代码非常适合从“ 294.jpg”图像中裁剪圆形图像