
时间:2020-09-25 13:58:34

标签: typescript firebase-realtime-database google-cloud-functions


   |--{game_id} ==> get this id
         |---"alias":"123456" ==> from the snapshot returned by querying this
         |..... // other childs of game_id


export const getGameIDFromCode = functions.https.onCall((data, context) => {

    if (context.auth == null) {
        throw new functions.https.HttpsError('permission-denied', 'You are not authorized to use this feature');

    const code = data.code;
    const gamesRef = db.ref("/games");
    return gamesRef.orderByChild("alias").equalTo(code).once("value").then(snapshot => {

        if (snapshot.ref.parent != null) {
            // tried snapshot.key => returns "games"
            // tried snapshot.ref.key ==> returns "games"
            return snapshot.ref.parent.key;
        } else {
            return "Unable to find game_id for the code";

    }).catch(error => {
        return error;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 return gamesRef.orderByChild("alias").equalTo(code).limitToLast(1).once("value").then(snapshot => {

        let gameId;

        snapshot.forEach(child => {
            gameId = child.key;

        return gameId;

    }).catch(error => {
        return error;