
时间:2020-09-24 21:04:58

标签: python pandas


data = pd.read_csv("population_stats.txt", sep=" ", header=None)

      0    1    2
0   100  200   300
1   400  500   600
2   700  800   900
3   420  320   652
4   125  258   852


      0    1    2
0   100  200   300
1   400  500   600
2   700  800   900
3   420  320   652
4   125  258   852
5   100  200   300
6   400  500   600
7   700  800   900
8   420  320   652
9   125  258   852
10   100  200   300
11   400  500   600
12   700  800   900
13   420  320   652
14   125  258   852
--   ..   ..   ..
256  <>   <>   <>


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

larger = np.tile(df, (52,1)) # use np.tile to repeat the df
# the repeated version needs clipping to 256 rows as it has more than that
clipped = pd.DataFrame(larger).head(256) 