
时间:2020-09-23 20:25:21

标签: javascript api video youtube

我正在使用YouTube嵌入式视频Javascript API暂停并查找刚刚结束的视频的开头,然后显示该视频的默认图像,所有这些都可以使用。但是,尽管我可以单击此默认图像来再次播放倒带的视频,但它不会显示带有向右指向的三角形的YouTube圆形框,该框告诉用户可以通过单击来再次播放视频。

如何使YouTube API用方框/三角形显示初始图像,而不是仅显示默认图像?


var youTubePlayer;

// Hide videos' default imange and play the video
// again.

function imgClick( This ) {
  var $image = $( This );

  if( $image.css( 'display' ) !== 'none' ) {

    $image.css( { 'display' : 'none',
                  'z-index' : '-1' } );


  return false;

// YouTube Embedded Video JavaScript API Ready Handler
// Create the necessary event handler to capture when
// the video finishes playing to the end.

function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
  'use strict';

  const ALLOWS = 'accelerometer; autoplay; ' +
                 'clipboard-write; ' +
                 'encrypted-media; gyroscope;  ' +
  var   iframe = document
                 .querySelector( 'iframe' +
                                 ':first-of-type' );

  var   suggestedQuality = 'tiny';
  var   name             = 'a_blank';

  // Create an array from the URL, delimited by
  // / or ?, so the YouTube Video Id, each parameter
  // switch name and value goes into an erray element.

  var   url_parameters =
            .split( /\s*(\/embed\/|[?&=])\s*/ );
  // Throw away the first element that is the URL
  // address up to, but not /embed/, and then if the
  // new first element is /embed/, then remove it, and
  // assign it to videoid.

  var   videoid = ( ( url_parameters.shift(),
                      url_parameters.shift() ===
                          '/embed/' )
                    ? url_parameters.shift()
                    : '' );

  // Create the YouTube query parameters default
  // settings.

  var   switches = {
                     'autohide' : 1,
                     'autoplay' : 1,
                     'cc_load_policy' : 0,
                     'controls' : 0,
                     'disablekb' : 1,
                     'enablejsapi' : 1,
                     'end' : 5000,
                     'iv_load_policy' : 0,
                     'modestbranding' : 1,
                     'origin' :
                     'rel': 0,
                     'showinfo' :  0,
                     'start' : 0,
                     'widgetid' : 1

  var switches_str = '';

  // Remove the ? and & elements from the url
  // parameters from the iframe's src attribute ...

  url_parameters =
    .filter( function( value ) {
              return ( ( value !== '?' ) &&
                       ( value !== '&' ) &&
                       ( value !== '=' ) );
             } );

  // Update the switches array element values with the
  // values in the url parameters from the iframe src.

  .forEach( function ( key, index, array ) {
              var value;

              if( ( index % 2 ) == 0 ) {

                // Even: 0, 2, 4, ...

                // Assign the value as a string or
                // integer to the switches array.

                value = array[ index + 1 ];

                switches[ key ] =
                  ( isNaN( value )
                    ? value
                    : parseInt( value ) );


            } );

  iframe.setAttribute( 'allow', ALLOWS );

  // Create a string of url parameter switches from
  // the switches array.

  Object.entries( switches )
        .forEach( function ( entry, index, array ) {
                    const [ key, value ] = entry;

                    switches_str += ( ( index === 0 )
                                      ? '?'
                                      : '&' ) +
                                    key + '=' + value;

                  } );

  // Assign the switches string to the src address
  // query parameter of the iframe ...

  iframe.src = ( url_parameters.length
                 ? iframe.src.replace( /\?.*/,
                                       switches_str )
                 : iframe.src + switches_str );

  // YouTube Error Handler

  function onError( event ) {
    .personalPlayer.errors.push( event.data );

  // YouTube Video Player state change handler ...
  // used to detect that the video has played
  // through to the end.

  function onStateChange( event ) {
    var $image = $( iframe ).parent().find( 'img' );

    if( event.data === YT.PlayerState.ENDED ) {

      youTubePlayer.seekTo( 0 );

      $image.css( { 'display' : 'block',
                    'z-index' : 100 } )
            .attr( 'src',
                   $( 'img.image.default' )
                   .attr( 'src' ) );


  // Create the YouTube Player ...

  youTubePlayer =
    new YT.Player( 'YouTube-Player',
                     videoId    : videoid,
                     width      : iframe.clientWidth,
                     height     : iframe.clientHeight,
                     name       : name,
                     playerVars : switches,
                     events     : {
                                    'onError' :
                                    'onStateChange' :
                   } );

  loadImages( videoid );

  // Add an error tracker, which really isn't used in
  // this demo.

  youTubePlayer.personalPlayer =
    { 'currentTimeSliding': false, 'errors': [] };

function getImageSize( This ) {
  return This.src + '\r\n' +
         'Height: ' + This.naturalHeight + ' ' +
         'Width: ' + This.naturalWidth + '.';

function loadImages( videoid ) {
  var images = document
               .querySelectorAll( 'img.image' );

  images.forEach( function( value, index, array ) {
                    const YOUTUBE_IMAGE_URL =
                          'https://img.youtube.com' +

                    var   className = value
                                      .classList[ 1 ];

                    switch( className ) {
                      case 'maxresdefault' :
                      case 'hqdefault'     :
                      case 'mqdefault'     :
                      case 'sddefault'     :
                      case 'default'       :
                      case '0'             :
                      case '1'             :
                      case '2'             :
                      case '3'             :

                        value.src =
                            YOUTUBE_IMAGE_URL +
                            videoid +
                            '/' + className + '.jpg';
                      default              :
                  } );

// Load the YouTube Embedded Video JavaScript API code

( function () {
    'use strict';

    function init() {  // Load YouTube library
      var tag = document.createElement( 'script' );

      tag.src = 'https://www.youtube.com/iframe_api';

      var first_script_tag =
            .getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[ 0 ];

      .insertBefore( tag, first_script_tag );

      // Set timer to display infos


    if( window.addEventListener ) {

      window.addEventListener( 'load', init );

    else if( window. attachEvent ) {

      window.attachEvent( 'onload', init );

  } )();
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.12.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div style="position: relative;">
  <iframe id="YouTube-Player" width="400" height="300"

  <img style="display: none;
              position: absolute;
              top: 0; left: 0; z-index: -1;
              width: 400px; height: 300px;
              background-color: transparent;"
       onclick="return imgClick( this );" />
<img class="image default" style="display: none;"
     onmouseover="this.title = getImageSize( this );" />

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