我想将下拉列表的选定值存储在React with local Storage中,并且当刷新页面时,必须保留该值。我面临的困难是,下拉列表的数量未知,这取决于映射对象的值是API的结果
<Col sm={2} xl={5}>
<Card className='AV'>
<Card.Text className='content-title ' as='h5'>
Select the answers for each question you had asked to your client
{ Object.entries(this.state.liste).map( ([ke,values]) => { let question=ke
return (
<div key={ke.id}>
<div name = "question" >
<h6 className="left">{ke}</h6>
<div >
< select className="right" key={values} name = "answer to each question" onChange={(event) =>
<option value={this.state.selected} selected disabled hidden> Not answered </option>
{Object.values(values).map(key=>{ console.log('the key of select objects:',key.id)
return (<option key={key.id} id={key}>{key}</option>) })}
</div>) }) }
<button className='button' onClick={this.createdecision}> Create a new decision maker </button