
时间:2020-09-22 03:10:29

标签: twilio twilio-studio

我正在学习/使用Twilio studio,我的说/玩小部件有很多液态模板文本(如下),但是并没有被解析为液态,当我调用流程时,声音实际上会说出所有单词..


Hello {{widgets.fn_4_get_acct.parsed.bill.nickname}}
{% if widgets.fn_4_get_acct.parsed.bill.is_paid === true %}
You do not have an outstanding balance, thank you for being a loyal customer!
{% else %}
Our records search show that your account currently has a balance of {{widgets.fn_4_get_acct.parsed.bill.amount_due | default: 0 | prepend: "$"}}
which is due on: {{widgets.fn_4_get_acct.parsed.bill.due_on | date: "%A %j %B"}}.
Press or say  "1" to make a payment for the full amount, or "5" to make a partial payment.
{% endif %}

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