
时间:2020-09-21 16:58:15

标签: python-3.x


enter image description here

我的目标是通过计算从start_angle到end_angle的每个坐标,并在每次进行计算时将角度增加1,来发现这些塔所覆盖的区域。 我知道在给定角度和半径的情况下实现坐标的公式。我的问题是无法创建一个循环来为每个id计算每个坐标。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这是您需要的计算区域解决方案。对于每个塔,我的计算区域为Pi * radius^2 * abs(end_angle - start_angle) / 360。这只是area of circular sector的简单公式。

import pandas as pd, numpy as np, math

a = pd.read_csv('test.csv').values
print(np.sum(a[:, 3] * a[:, 3] * ((a[:, 5] - a[:, 4]) % 360.)) * math.pi / 360.)

如果您需要遍历circular sector中的所有点,那么我编写了下一个代码。

它确实跨过每个1度角和1米半径。并将以米为单位的圆扇形的点的坐标转换为以度数表示的经/纬度坐标,为此,我在Dist()函数中使用了this formulas来计算经纬度距离压缩比,以校正经度的距离(我们越靠近两极,lon距离比lat小得多,越靠近赤道,lon距离越接近lat且等于赤道),lat距离不需要校正(无处不在111km每1纬度。

我的步进迭代不是均匀的,这意味着我会在每个角度都重复进行1度角度和1米半径的迭代,这意味着如果您的塔半径为50度且角度为80度,那么您将精确地得到50 * 80 = 4000点迭代。如果需要区域均匀的迭代,请告诉我,我将更改代码,或者您可以自己执行,您只需要在外循环中迭代1米的半径,而内循环则应迭代角度,但是需要更多角度步长应该在较大的半径处减小半径,而在较小的半径处减小半径,那么您将获得均匀的填充。你必须告诉你需要什么。

下一个代码需要使用python -m pip install pandas numpy tqdm安装3个软件包。 tqdm只是进度条的实现。


第一个简化的较慢版本的具有不均匀步进的代码可以是found and run here online

更新!我已经实现了第二个版本,该版本更高级,运行速度更快(对于重零件使用numpy),并且还以均匀步进(步长)在扇区上创建网格。以米为单位由脚本开头的mdist值控制)。主要功能GenPoints()是生成器,该生成器迭代解析CSV并为每个塔的扇区网格生成(返回)点,作为(lon,lat)numpy数组,还为这些塔附加了解析的数据帧。还可以将绘图结果实现到图像文件中。下图是绘制的两个结果。如您所见,第二个结果是椭圆体,这是由于该塔在纬度60度处,其中Mercator Projection中的对象在水平方向上相当伸展。



接下来是版本2代码。您也可以run next code online here




import math, sys, os
import pandas as pd, numpy as np, tqdm

ifname = 'test.csv'
mdist = 1. # Minimal distance in meters between points in grid covering tower's sector
ofname = 'test{i}.png' # Outpu file names for drawing

def GenPoints():
    pi = math.pi
    asteps = 360 * 2 # Number of steps along full circle, 360 * 2 corresponds to precision of 0.5 degree.
    lat_deg2m = 111000
    latlon_ratio_deg_steps = 100
    fdtype = np.float64
    def LonLatDist(p1, p2):
        # Exact distance between two points on Earth, points given by (lon, lat) tuple.
        # See https://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html
        lon1, lat1 = p1[:2]
        lon2, lat2 = p2[:2]
        R = 6371000 # metres
        # phi, lam in radians
        phi1 = lat1 * pi / 180
        phi2 = lat2 * pi / 180
        dphi = (lat2 - lat1) * pi / 180
        dlam = (lon2 - lon1) * pi / 180

        a = abs(math.sin(dphi / 2)) ** 2 + math.cos(phi1) * math.cos(phi2) * abs(math.sin(dlam / 2)) ** 2
        c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
        d = R * c # in metres
        return d

    def frange(start, stop, step):
        x = start
        while x < stop:
            yield x
            x += step
    class dict2obj(object):
        def __init__(self, dict_):
    def multi_arange(a):
        steps = a[:,2]
        lens = ((a[:,1]-a[:,0]) + steps-1)//steps
        b = np.repeat(steps, lens)
        ends = (lens-1)*steps + a[:,0]
        b[0] = a[0,0]
        b[lens[:-1].cumsum()] = a[1:,0] - ends[:-1]
        return b.cumsum()

    def GetPts(*, re, ab, ae, dat = {'pts': np.zeros([0, 2], dtype = fdtype), 'idx': np.zeros([0, 2 * asteps + 1], dtype = np.int64)}):
        while (dat['idx'].shape[0] - 1) * mdist < re:
            r = dat['idx'].shape[0] * mdist
            if dat['idx'].shape[0] > 0:
                a = 2 * math.asin(mdist / (2 * r)) # r*2*sin(a/2) = mdist
                n = math.floor(2 * pi / a)
                n = 1
            as_ = np.linspace(0., 4 * pi, 2 * n, endpoint = False)
            idx = np.concatenate((
                np.searchsorted(as_, np.linspace(0., 4 * pi, 2 * asteps, endpoint = False), side = 'right'),
                np.array([2 * n], dtype = np.int64),
            xs = r * np.cos(as_)
            ys = r * np.sin(as_)
            dat['idx'] = np.concatenate((dat['idx'], idx[None, :] + dat['pts'].shape[0]))
            dat['pts'] = np.concatenate((dat['pts'], np.vstack((xs, ys)).transpose()))
            assert dat['idx'][-1, -1] == dat['pts'].shape[0]
        assert 0. <= ab <= ae <= 4 * pi, (ab, ae)
        ire = round(float(re / mdist))
        iab, iae = [round(float(a / (2 * pi / asteps))) for a in [ab, ae]]
        pb, pe = [dat['idx'][:ire + 1, ia] for ia in [iab, iae + 1]]
        #return np.concatenate([dat['pts'][b : e, :] for b, e in zip(np.nditer(pb), np.nditer(pe))])
        return dat['pts'][multi_arange(np.vstack((pb, pe, np.ones_like(pb))).T), :]
    def Deg2Rad(a):
        return a * pi / 180.
    def GetLLRatio(*, lat, dat = {'tab': None}):
        if dat['tab'] is None:
            dat['tab'] = np.array([
                LonLatDist((-shift, clat), (shift, clat)) / LonLatDist((0., clat - shift), (0., clat + shift))
                for ilat in range(0, 90 * latlon_ratio_deg_steps) for shift, clat in [(0.00001, ilat / latlon_ratio_deg_steps)]
            ], dtype = fdtype)
        assert -90. <= lat <= 90., lat
        return dat['tab'][min(90 * latlon_ratio_deg_steps - 1, round(float(abs(lat) * latlon_ratio_deg_steps)))]
    fsize = os.path.getsize(ifname)
    area = 0.
    with open(ifname, 'rb', buffering = 1 << 16) as fin, tqdm.tqdm(total = fsize, ascii = True, unit = 'B') as prctr:
        for idf, df in enumerate(pd.read_csv(fin, iterator = True, chunksize = 1 << 4)):
            if idf == 0:
                # id,lat,lon,radius,start_angle,end_angle
                cols = dict2obj({e : ie for ie, e in enumerate(df.columns.values.tolist())})
            istart = df.index[0]
            a = df.values.astype(np.float64)
            area += np.sum(a[:, cols.radius] * a[:, cols.radius] * ((a[:, cols.end_angle] - a[:, cols.start_angle]) % 360.)) * pi / 360.
            for i in range(a.shape[0]):
                row = a[i, :]
                pts = GetPts(
                    re = row[cols.radius],
                    ab = Deg2Rad(row[cols.start_angle]),
                    ae = Deg2Rad(row[cols.end_angle] + (0., 360.)[int(row[cols.start_angle] >= row[cols.end_angle])]),
                lats = pts[:, 1] / lat_deg2m + row[cols.lat]
                lons = pts[:, 0] / (lat_deg2m * GetLLRatio(lat = row[cols.lat])) + row[cols.lon]
                yield {
                    'idx': istart + i,
                    'data': df.iloc[i : i + 1, :],
                    'points': np.vstack((lons, lats)).transpose(),

            prctr.update(fin.tell() - prctr.n)
        prctr.update(fsize - prctr.n)

def Draw():
    import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageDraw
    swidth = 1048
    sradius = 10
    antialias_mult = 1 # Degree of antialiasing, 1 - Not antialiased, 2 - Some antialiasing, 4 - Good antialiasing
    for iv, v in enumerate(GenPoints()):
        ps = v['points']
        xmin, xmax = np.amin(ps[:, 0]), np.amax(ps[:, 0])
        ymin, ymax = np.amin(ps[:, 1]), np.amax(ps[:, 1])
        sheight = math.ceil(swidth * (ymax - ymin) / (xmax - xmin))
        assert antialias_mult in [1, 2, 4, 8], antialias_mult
        width = swidth * antialias_mult
        radius = sradius * antialias_mult
        height = sheight * antialias_mult
        img = PIL.Image.new('RGB', (width, height))
        imgd = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(np.nditer(ps[:, 0]), np.nditer(ps[:, 1]))):
                (width - 2 * radius) * (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin),
                (height - 2 * radius) * (ymax - y) / (ymax - ymin),
                (width - 2 * radius) * (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin) + 2 * radius,
                (height - 2 * radius) * (ymax - y) / (ymax - ymin) + 2 * radius,
            ], fill = (round(255 * (1 - i / ps.shape[0] * 0.9)),) * 3, outline = 'black')

        if antialias_mult > 1:
            img = img.resize([swidth, sheight], PIL.Image.LANCZOS)
        img.save(ofname.format(i = iv))
def TestFast():
