EF Core不断抱怨不存在的索引

时间:2020-09-15 08:45:42

标签: sql-server entity-framework-core foreign-keys relational-database entity-framework-migrations

在运行时,我有一堆日志从EF Core抱怨,看起来像这样:

[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'InvoiceId'} was not created on entity type 'CompleteCase' as the properties are already covered by the index {'InvoiceId', 'Code'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'ReportPeriodId'} was not created on entity type 'FixedBill' as the properties are already covered by the index {'ReportPeriodId', 'MedCompanyTypeId', 'FixedBillTypeId'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'CasePeriodId'} was not created on entity type 'Invoice' as the properties are already covered by the index {'CasePeriodId', 'ReportPeriodId', 'MedCompanyTypeId'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'InvoiceId'} was not created on entity type 'InvoiceFixedBillMap' as the properties are already covered by the index {'InvoiceId', 'FixedBillId'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'MedCompanyDepartmentTypeId'} was not created on entity type 'MedCompanyDepartmentDoctorMap' as the properties are already covered by the index {'MedCompanyDepartmentTypeId', 'MedCompanyDoctorTypeId', 'DoctorSpecialtyTypeId', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'VMPMethodTypeId'} was not created on entity type 'VMPMethodMKBMap' as the properties are already covered by the index {'VMPMethodTypeId', 'MKBTypeId'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'KSGBaseRateTypeId'} was not created on entity type 'KSGBaseRate' as the properties are already covered by the index {'KSGBaseRateTypeId', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'KSGTypeId'} was not created on entity type 'KSGIndexRate' as the properties are already covered by the index {'KSGTypeId', 'KSGIndexTypeId', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'MedCompanyTypeId'} was not created on entity type 'MedCompanyKSGIndexRate' as the properties are already covered by the index {'MedCompanyTypeId', 'MedCompanyUnitTypeId', 'MedCompanyDepartmentTypeId', 'UMPTypeId', 'KSGIndexTypeId', 'StartDate', 'EndDate'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'UserId'} was not created on entity type 'UserRole' as the properties are already covered by the index {'UserId', 'RoleId'}.
[10:56:14 DBG] The index {'UserId'} was not created on entity type 'IdentityUserToken<Guid>' as the properties are already covered by the index {'UserId', 'LoginProvider', 'Name'}.

我可以看到它们的原因-因为有使用这些列的复合索引,它们使单独的索引变得无用。这些列都是外键,EF Core在迁移过程中会自动创建。



P.S。使用SQL Server作为数据库提供程序在3.1.8上进行了测试。

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当然没有,您在这里看到的只是一个警告,告诉您某些索引已从模型中删除(忽略)。可能令人困惑的部分是您没有明确请求此类索引,正如您所说,它们是由EF自动创建的(并且btw不能从外部删除),因此EF Core不会警告您。


optionsBuilder.ConfigureWarnings(warnings => warnings